[hr] [center][h2][color=DC381F]Violetta[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] [center] The young leader lay in the center of her barren apartment staring up at the wall behind her, a large sprawling map of the city staring back at her. The red ink was an addition she had added over the years, scribbles and circles detailing gang lines, places of interest, previous hits, future hits, possible hits, back alleys, hide outs, anything that would give her an edge over someone else. Her slender face was contorted in a slight furrow as she mused over the night’s event and the information that had been reported back to her. [color=dc381f][i]’Something big is coming, I wonder if the city is ready for it..’[/i][/color] The attack on the Sabre. The attack on the Bank. The addition to bills by bought politicians. New Gangs and strange powers. Something’s coming. The she spent night with the mayor was rather revealing, granted he wasn’t very receptive when he found the young woman lounging in his chair. He almost made it to the door before a paper chain snaked its way around his throat yanking him back down in front of the desk. Soon enough he was babbling, begging, whimpering about politicians spending their waking hours at the Prophet’s club, that some man with old money had moved in wanting to turn the industrial district into a new steel yard, that some of the congressman had endorsed him with weapons and the soldiers to be fodder for the assault, he didn’t have a name unfortunately, but the information about Prophet trying to pull strings was a curious tidbit that she was currently chewing over wondering what the strange man’s game was, they had a few run ins in the past few years being in the same line of work but she had not dealt with him personally always letters and messengers. Ryker’s report gave little else to tell her about this strange new player, only he bought his way into favor with a few off the other small gangs hoping to amass a small following to help with his plans of expansion, a dark puppet master. At least there was no mention of him having some strange ability, as for the surviving raider, a phone call and a bullet ended his life before he made his way out of the district. It was troubling to say the least. This information swirled around her head, a journal lying next to her with it written out in questions and thoughts, some lines crossed out as if she was trying to solve a puzzle without all the pieces. Sighing in frustration Viole sat up shaking her head as she stretched the soft popping of her spine drawing a content smile from her before acknowledging the man standing by patiently leaning against the broken window as moon and street light filtered through illuminating the dirty floor. [color=f6989d]”Troubling yourself over needless things again, Miss?” [/color] His soft cool voice broke the silence as he smirked slightly before offering her a hand up, a firm grip and a slight tug had her standing close to the man as she took a small step back shrugging slightly dusting her clothes off as she retrieved her journal placing it back into the small inner pocket of her jacket. [color=dc381f]”I hardly believe you came here to jeer at me. What’s the word?”[/color] She scoffed slightly tossing a broken pencil playfully at him before turning to observe the word outside her window, the city seems so quiet during the day as if the rest of the world help its breath in anticipation for the night to explode into existence. [color=f6989d]”The Conduit has a business proposal, though what it is I don’t know.”[/color] Viole shoot him a look of disbelief before raising her eyebrow slightly musing over this new information, what she did to draw his attention, she wasn’t sure but it was best not to ignore him that much she knew besides perhaps she could gain more out of it then he was willing to offer. Also she needed a way to not become a pawn in the larger game at hand; perhaps this was her way to do so. [color=dc381f]”Tell him we’d be happy to meet with him at his early convenience, just not in that underground bunker of his.”[/color] A soft smirk flickered across her face before she motioned for him to be gone turning to look over her map wondering just how to spend her day, perhaps she go see what she could find out about their new friend. The soft thunk of rotting wood echoed as a knife pierced a small port at the edge of the Industrial District, no other sound or whisper of a person was left in the room. It’s hard metal gleaming happily in the light, almost in a friendly hello. [/center]