~Master~ Baraka had a different scene for his summoning. Mood was a part of it too, he assured himself, as he searched for the perfect place to summon a Servant. After realizing that London was not like his home and that many parts of it weren't left purely natural, he compromised and found a placid park to perform the ritual. Using his keen skills of observation, he deduced that no one was in the park because they were held up in traffic or watching a sports game of some sort. Rugby? They watched that, right? After many a minute spent trying to figure out if Rugby was a real thing or just something that he just made up during his travel through the Egyptian wastes, he finally decided that now would be a good time to set up his summoning circle. Whilst focusing his prana, Baraka created four large stones no smaller than a foot and a half each. He pulled a bag from his pocket, drew the jagged dagger at his side, and cut his palm to let blood into the bag. He used the knife to toss the soft clay into the bag a bit so that the blood would mix in considerably. He then began to sprinkle the now red clay onto the ground in effort to create an elaborately patterned circle, using the cornerstones as markers. After the circle was completed, and that was good as he was now out of soft clay, he placed a palm sized chunk of gold into the center of the circle. As he backed away, he focused as much prana as he could using the circle as an anchor. "[i][color=f9ad81]Mater Vitae, as your child and protector I ask of thee that you lend your strength Life blood of stone, return from me Flow unto my Servant Bring forth one powerful enough to serve and protect The will of the land and the will of my soul Deliver![/color][/i]" With this incantation uttered, Baraka knelt at the edge of the circle as smoke and fire began to ripple from the center of the summoning altar. He calmly awaited the appearance of his Servant, arm rested on his knee as he rested in position. ~Servant~ From the billowing smoke in front of Corbet, a figure emerged. Coughing slightly and pounding his chest to further bring fresh air into his lungs, the man took a very careful look at the person in front of him. Adjusting the toothpick in his mouth with a light flick of the tongue, he took a good look at who it was that was in front of him. He pointed at Corbet and cleared his throat. "You're the one who brought me here, right? ...not very impressive." He furrowed his brow a bit as he got a closer look at Corbet. He wiped some dust off of his shoulder before stuffing his hands into his pockets.