[quote=@Caits] [@makarov] Cassandra gave what she hoped was a reassuring smile, and nodded. She led the way to somewhere that had no people, figuring that the whole school didn't need to know what she was going to say. [color=f6989d]"I very nearly lost control, too. Something about Miss Oliva's tone just made me think what would happen if I did, and I knew I couldn't live with myself if it happened. You're not alone. You stopped, and that's all that matters"[/color] she hesitated, staring at her gloved hand, before getting out her sandwich. [color=f6989d]"I'm one too. Except more hot, then cold"[/color] she managed a smile as if her pathetic attempt at a joke was funnier then it was.[color=f6989d]"please don't be sad. Please?"[/color] [/quote] Alec looked at her and blushed a tiny bit when she smiled, he had to admit she was very pretty. His eyes softened as she spoke letting her know that she was getting through to him. "[color=6ecff6]Miss Olivia must have known about us...[/color]" Alec pulled out a minicooler from his bag and pulled out a big sub, "[color=6ecff6]I felt your aura...and my...other side...defended me because I was afraid...It's been this way since I was very small...my adopted parents say that my mother was a demon from high in the snowy mountains...[/color]"