Name: Sakuya Kawashiro Age: 19 Gender: Female Appearance: [img][/img] Her hair lost its purple sheen becoming a drab black and during her "depression" she got rid of her standard gundam clothing for a normal if somewhat old fashioned japanese school/naval outfit complete with a black officers hat she wore everywhere now. Nationality: Japanese Personality: her personality remains the same she is still a calm and calculative person but a few things did change she is more laid back and willing to go along with the "flow" of things beyond that She has displayed a bit of lethargy being relunctant to do much of anything once she gets comfortable despite that she is still a avid builder being good but nowhere near the levels of some others. Beyond that she has seemed to accept her flaws and rather than hide them behind masks like she did before admits giving her a bit of a mature feel that she lacked before. Backstory: Being a Gundam fan she quickly got into gunpla battles. Her first gunpla was that of the Gundam Seravee which she still uses today though now it has been customized a lot. She grew up as a only child living with her father who was also a large Gundam fan. Using her looks as base she choose the Seravee as her first gunpla to match the theme of Tieria. The Seravee was a hard gunpla to use it also took a while to learn due to the six arms and side skills. Personally starting off she wasn’t the greatest but as she got continued she got better. After a while she changed her gunpla to a custom Gebera Tetra and entered the 12th gunpla competition. Though it was after a bitter defeat in the quarter finals of a tournament she went back to her Seravee considering the condition of her Gerbera Tetra. It was than that she was invited to the Nielson labs summer academy. Taking the invitation she hopes to better her skills as a builder and a fighter. Gunpla for her as she stated at the application was a life experience since it taught life lessons but was also promoted fun and free thinking. That though was a few years ago. After all of that was done she left a better battler but one thing remained eating away at her. She felt empty like she reached her limit in terms of gunpla. Though the death of her father did not help in terms of feeling empty and reaching her limit. She continued building but battling and tournaments kind of took a back seat. She worked herself to the bone to improve things but she always fell short she reached her limit or so she thought. She worked harder and harder eventually where the bags under her eyes were practically permanent. She gave up on gunpla for a little doing nothing more than studying for whatever reason till she decided to try her hands at building once more entering a small store that was said to have been owned by Sei Iori's family she found her answer. It was than that she was found by the current Meijin seeing her predicament and perhaps containing a bit of information of her past endeavors challenged her using nothing more than a quick straight build of a Zaku. Using her custom flag and even with all of her strategies and quick maneuvers even making her use its trans-am system she lost. It was than she was told something that made her reevaluate everything "gunpla has no limits the only limits you have are the ones you place upon yourself." Those words caused her to stop and think and rather than build a complicated gundam she went with something new in which she did with time and a bit of effort she created a series of gunpla each unique and special in their own rights she called them the "Fubuki Class". It as there she made her name known again not as the lightning count or as a Tieria copycat but rather her as her own person. This was the birth of a new name for her one that was not known more by her nickname but rather her own name. The first in the Fubuki Class was a revamp of the qubeley keeping the overall appearance the same the binders featured charging racks carrying extra funnels. It shares some features with the papillon including increased funnels and features. Other Info: the bags under her eyes seem to have become a permanent feature of her face despite how much she sleeps now. She practically looks completely different and if she does not mention who she is there is little chance of people recognizing her unless they went to the summer academy but even than they can tell that there is something off about her. Beyond that her ability to see the plavsky trails seems to have gotten stronger over the years and as such she is now able to predict the paths a person might take and as such can "predict" the future as many have claimed. Gundam Info [hider=GN-008FC Gundam Sagiri] Gunpla Info GN-008FC Gundam Sagiri Scale: 1/144 Based from: GN-008 Seravee Gundam Gundam Appearance [hider=Gunpla Front View] [img][/img] [/hider] weapons 2 x GN Bazooka II 6 x GN Beam Saber 2 x GN Railguns GN Gravity Cannon 2 x GN Heat Blades Special features Multi targeting system – she is able to use the weaponry on the gunpla to target different enemies GN Field Trans AM system Other Info GN Heat Blade - Modified GN Swords from the exia it has been modeled to look similar to the gouf heat swords. They are capable of igniting itself on fire. They are Stored in the front leg armor of the gunpla. GN Railguns - Modified GN Big Cannons to act and function similar to railguns. They are capable of piercing most shields. Despite being a railgun it is not really based after the railguns found in seed. Rather being a unique creation taking inspiration from real life mainly from warships and the theory of a actual railgun. GN Gravity Cannon - Stored on the central chest the Gravity Cannon takes principles from Double Zeta's Hi mega Cannon and wing zero's twin buster rifle. It is able to launch a massive beam that easilly able to destroy most things. Though it does have its downsides it takes awhile to charge fully and can not aim truly while firing. It is as such limited to when it can fire and is normally used as a end all technique. [/hider] 2nd Gundam Info [hider=RX-78GP04K - Gundam Gerbera Kai] Gunpla Info RX-78GP04K - Gundam Gerbera Kai Scale: 1/144 Based from: RX-78GP04G Gundam "Gerbera" [hider=Gunpla Front View] [img][/img] [/hider] weapons 4 x Beam Saber 2 x "Gerbera" Combat Knife Long Range Rifle Jitte Beam Machine gun "Gerbera" Custom Shield Special features I-Field Generator Kai Ni System Other Info "Gerbera" Combat Knife - A set of combat knives that was named after the gundam itself. The knives are able to heat up to high degrees to cut through armor. Beyond that the knives can mimic the act "cutting" plavsky particles allowing them to in a limited amount cut through beams. "Gerbera" Custom Shield - A shield that was made of multiple layers. It hides not only two extra beam sabers but also resists beams. It was further modified to act as I field generator as well should the need arise. Kai Ni System - a boost mode system that removes the "safety" limiters on the gunpla increasing its performance exponentially. This also puts the user into as state of assimiliation as such it can only last for 5 minutes before being deactivated for the users safety. [/hider]