[@Prisk] - [hider=background.]I actually really, really love this version of Olivia, and I'm ecstatic to see her again. At the present, I'm working to devise a timeline so that the events in everyone's collective pasts and background can be plausible and, somewhat, "realistic" in relation to the wars. I sense there will be some vast age differences, so I have to keep this in mind and mark down the events that lead up the current plot line. Older units of SOLDIER were insane and hazardous at best, due to the treatments not being exact or formulated down to a particular method. They either went insane, or mutated into terrifying creatures. So, Olivia's background actually blends in rather well to the story. Overall, I approve of what you have thus far, and yes, she'd be in First Class for sure.[/hider] Edit: I made slight revisions to the character template.