[right][img]http://i.imgur.com/6qJ4rtt.png[/img][/right][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/q4B5ycC.jpg[/img][h3][color=violet]TEAM EGGPLANT[/color][/h3][/center] Lux shook her head when Emma asked about her scratch. It stung a bit more than she thought it would, and she winced when Emma lightly touched it, but the pain was more than manageable. She'd gone through worse skulking about in the strangest places in town. Like the time she crawled into a perfectly Lux-shaped hole underneath the baker's shop; she got a small but deep scar on her back where a loose nail had dug into her. Or when she squeezed her way through a narrow not-really-alleyway and got stuck there when the decrepit walls caved in. A bunch of the town's construction workers had to hammer away at the stone walls until they made a whole big enough for her to escape from. Ouch, did she get a lot of bruises from that. And a lot of lectures, too. That hurt a lot more. But really, the main reason was this: [color=#FFD700]"No, no, leave it like that! It looks like a battle scar, doesn't it? Lux versus the fearsome felidrake!"[/color] It would make for a wonderful story for her brother, and maybe even her other friends back at home. As long as she exaggerated the size of the fearsome felidrake, make it dragon-sized instead of cat-sized. Emma let her know then that she'd already caught one—of course Emms did, and probably without much effort to boot! She really needed to take a page from Emma's handy how-to-get-things-done-with-ease-(and-style) journal. There was nothing that botanist couldn't do! Lux figured Emma could help with her cheeky felidrake nemesis, but before she had a chance to ask, some rustling caught her ever-alert ears (sharpened by years of nosiness and gossiping). It was that popping sound that the felidrakes made when teleporting. Lux looked up and around the suspect tree. From her brief observations, the felidrakes didn't just leave aural traces of their 'before' locations, but some very faint visuals as well. It was like an afterimage, there longer than it was supposed to be. They were hard to spy, but if she were to look for it as soon as the popping sounded, she knew she would find it. Lux looked for one now and followed what she thought was the trail up, up, up, where Meryn just teleported. Where Meryn just teleported. [i]She knew it.[/i] Lux would have been a lot more excited if Meryn wasn't currently hurtling downward at a pace that surely meant no good. Whether she had teleported through her own magical abilities (very, very likely) or through some accidental accompaniment of a felidrake (also very, very likely, but not as much fun), some miscalculations must have been made. [color=#FFD700]"Emms, look!"[/color] Lux scrambled forward, arms outreached, ready to catch the falling—teleporting!—delivery girl even though she probably couldn't handle her weight, only to gracefully fall flat on her face. In her haste, she had tripped over her own feet and went skidding across the ground, to the side and farther away from where she wanted to go. There was second-delay in her cognition, and she only realized she was no longer moving forward (and downward instead) when a fallen Meryn perfectly aligned in her line of sight. She had crashed landed unto her iron cage, breaking it into pieces, and Lux caught only air and some dirt on her face. The thudding sound that resounded after Meryn fell made Lux shriek in empathetic pain. Ow, ow, ow. She'd observed the roof-hopping girl long enough to know she can handle a fall, but still. Ow, ow, ow. Lux quickly dusted herself off, ignoring the few extra scratches she got because they were nothing compared to the literal holes in Meryn's body, and rushed back to Emma. She all but yanked the botanist, who was no doubt getting her healing stuff, toward stubborn, teleporting Meryn who still bothered with the felidrake even though she literally had holes in her body. [color=#FFD700]"Go do your magic on her, Emm. I bet she'll be teleporting again in no time!"[/color] Lux said as she led the way. Meryn seemed well enough to move and interact with that guard guy who caused the commotion earlier this morning, but Lux wouldn't be certain that she was better until amazing Emma did her thing. Spook got to Meryn the same time they did and handed over some Traveller medicine that made Lux super curious, then guilty because there were more important matters at hand. She waited until Emma took it and applied it to Meryn, straining to keep her attention on the injured girl that needed attention instead of the masked Traveller talking about temples and magis. [sup][@Diggerton][@c3p-0h][/sup]