[h3]Taima Ilotah[/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/HNLGFob.jpg?1[/img] [i]“I cannot allow misdeeds be done on the lands of the Gis, nor can I accept the ignorance of man.”[/i] [b]| ARCHETYPE |[/b] [indent]The Native[/indent] [b]| AGE |[/b] [indent]17[/indent] [b]| SPECIES - ETHNICITY |[/b] [indent]Gis - Ilec[/indent] [b]| PERSONALITY |[/b] [indent]Taima was born during the end of the infamous Aldite Conflicts and as such her education in her early childhood were founded on the ignorance and foolishness of humankind.[/indent] [b]| SKILLS - ABILITIES |[/b] [list][*] [b]Gis Physiology[/b] [list][*] [b]Dexterity[/b] - The Gis are natural hunters and warriors; using their environment to their advantage is only increased in effectiveness by their natural instincts and reflexes. As a byproduct, Taima is quick and perceptive; able to climb, swim, leap, and hear efficiently. [/list][/list] [list][*] [b]Knowledge[/b] - Due to the elders and their education, Taima has a distinct understanding of mythology and history; though given the education is through fables and myths it may lead her to believe exaggerations as fact.[/list] [list][*] [b]Weapon Fighting[/b] - Trained in the art of hunting by the village elders, Taima has the ability to use basic and martial weapons of her culture’s origin such as the Iqm (shortbow), zahw (tomahawk), and shik (knife). She is most skilled in the bow of the three.[/list] [b]| FLAWS - DISADVANTAGES |[/b] [indent]Whilst being knowledgeable about the Gis culture, history, and mythology there is a limit to what Taima knows and understands. Humankind is still fairly new to much of her people and the problems that have occurred recently have been only getting exponentially worse. As such, Taima lacks much information about the foreigners that have created homes on the western coasts of Gisaria including much of their science (especially conventional firearms). Her training in firearms is thus nonexistent; thus placing her in danger within firefights. In addition to this her disdain for human’s negligence, ignorance, and apathy plays into her own lack of consideration for humankind believing herself to “know all she needs to know” about an entire multi-faceted race of people. This could lead to hostile situations by her own actions or dialogue.[/indent] [b]| INVENTORY - EQUIPMENT |[/b] [list][*] [b]Iqm[/b] - Her culture's traditional shortbow with a full quiver of arrows made out of deer hide. In addition to traditional arrows, Taima also has on her person four specialty arrows made out of aldite; but they are reserved for emergency situations. [/list] [list][*] [b]Zahw[/b] - Her culture's traditional tomahawk, made from Gis metalworking techniques. It is lightweight and versatile.[/list] [list][*] [b]Shik[/b] - Her culture's traditional knife. Meant for skinning and hunting rather than straight up combat.[/list] [list][*] [b]Qahlm[/b] - A belt designed to keep supplementary equipment and rations. A small [i]flash[/i] of water is attached.[/list] [b]| BACKGROUND |[/b] [indent]Born in 101 AI, Taima Ilotah was born the daughter and only child of the union between Kaniehtiio and Ilaahq— a fate that the young Gis would reflect on for the rest of her life. Taima’s childhood was one of many expectations and as the daughter of a skilled Huntress as well as a noteworthy Chieftain there were many. As the Iqm and Zahw became second nature, her mind became ‘enlightened’ by her village elders as they spoke of the perils of the past and the dangers of humankind; the latter of such being a focal point as humans continuously sought out the cursed stone known as Aldite despite the dangers shown to them. These teachings would craft cynical views in the young Gis; though despite this she was still taught the “universal tongue” in case her path would ever cross with humankind; a growing likelihood in the face of the world she was living in. As predicted, conflict had once again showed itself to the Gis and worryingly so in the year of 113 AI, Taima’s village— the 2nd Aldite Wars had begun and for once… the Gis were the aggressors. Though many, including Taima, felt that their hands had been forced when humans marched into sacred ruins and ancient burial grounds in search for that damned ore that had almost destroyed the entire Gis culture. There could be no simple apologies for such a betrayal of trust and blatant disrespect to a people the humans had dared to call their allies and friends. It seemed such friendship was one-sided to many Gis. The war dragged on for several years until its conclusion in 117 AI. Things seemed to return to as they were until a little after the sixteenth anniversary of her birth. As tradition, Taima was chosen to prove herself to the tribe through the virtue of the hunt— a task that she honored to do. However whilst on this ceremonial hunt, a group of men from the nearby human settlement had come to Uonah, her village, in the shadows of the conclusion of the war. All Taima would know is the sound of cracking thunder and the screams of her kin. When she returned home there were no survivors but from the evidence of humankind’s gunfire and a tattered pocket-watch was evidence enough. Taima swore to her ancestors that she would bring justice to her village as she set off to track the individuals who did this to her— a journey that would take her out of her wilds and into human society. As she travelled from farmstead to hamlet for months she began to wonder why the answer was not clear and why it was just for murder to be so ignored. Luck soon aided her to a town called… Blackwood.[/indent] [b]| GOALS - ASPIRATIONS |[/b] [indent]Taima Ilotah is a character with little trust residing within her, a character solitary from herself and with no friends or family to direct her towards a better path. Given her cynical beliefs towards humans she had a hard time taking humankind at face value believing they are trying to steal, reap, or kill for their benefit. I would like her character growth to deepen and progress as the motley crew of seven survivors proves what humankind can truly be for the better. Of course, this is not without challenge as there will be con artists, murderers, and hypocrites amongst the cast aplenty. Basically I would like the character to have her faith in life re-invigorated and for her to help others not out of a suicidal or vengeful nature but one of selflessness and justice. Though it could be interesting to see her go completely rogue-like and become a character that has no friends and only enemies. [/indent]