Much like the elf lady, Thanneth had been up in a tree with her bow, sniping every orc she could get a clear shot at, although she dealt out more injuries than kills. However, also like the lady, she had been discovered and forced to abandon long-range combat in favor of her sword. Leaping from a branch with a war cry, she landed on a warg behind an orc, finishing off the rider with one quick thrust before stabbing the mount through the head. [color=6ecff6]"Three!"[/color] She counted under her breath, adding the orc and warg to her tally. Every battle, she strove to beat her record from the last battle, to both increase her skill and protect her allies. It was a goal she did not often fulfill. Good as her fighting was, her companions were also proficient warriors, and often did not need her aid. Whirling to face an orc behind her, she parried his blow and removed his head shortly after. [color=6ecff6]"Four!"[/color] A quick step inside another orc's defenses and a stab. [color=6ecff6]"Five!"[/color] Knocking the sword from the hands of another orc and cleaving his head in half. [color=6ecff6]"Six!"[/color] Then a bigger orc, unnoticed in the chaos, struck her from behind, creating a nasty gash down the left side of her back. Thanneth turned and sized up this new enemy, a hiss of pain escaping her at the movement. This orc would be a challenge. "We will roast your flesh, she-elf!" He said, his voice harsh and guttural like all orcs. [color=6ecff6]"I'd like to see you try, [i]yrch[/i]."[/color] She spat in response. Threats exchanged, they began their duel. The shieldmaid began with a slash, which was dodged; the orc stabbed at her torso, and she parried. The harsh clang of blades colliding sounded again and again. Neither combatant could land a blow - both were skilled, and both were injured. "Tiring already, she-elf?" The orc taunted. "We orcs can fight until the end of time!" [color=6ecff6]"And we elves will hunt you to the end of the earth."[/color] Thanneth replied, then fell silent again. Let the orc waste his breath. When he was tired, distracted, she would strike, swiftly and suddenly, like a snake. Then her chance came. The orc's grip slackened on his sword, and with a deft twist of her own blade, she removed it from his grip. [color=6ecff6]"Die, [i]yrch.[/i]"[/color] She hissed, and struck. Sliding her sword out of the new corpse, Thanneth wiped her forehead and stood for a moment. [color=6ecff6]"Seven."[/color] She said quietly, took a fresh grip on her sword, and went after another orc.