[quote=@Deathsaurer] "You'd never understand Predacon politics do I don't see any point wasting breath on you." Megatron angrily retorted. Brainwave quickly elbowed him to remind him to watch his tone. "I'm not suggesting we should like each other Jhiaxus. I mean I can't say I particularly like anyone on this ragtag crew that's begun to form. Except maybe Rastun. He hasn't done anything irritating yet. But I realize sometimes you have to deal with those people to get the job done. And Unicron has clearly had a massive head start on us so what exactly is there to be gained fighting each other? When it's all over we can all happily go back to being enemies. But until then a truce is in our best interests. Surely Liege Maximo's great wisdom can acknowledge that. After all isn't that exactly what the Children of Primus did in the Universe War?" [/quote] "Yes yes I was in the Universe war the Chaos bringer plucked me from oblivion and made me wear the mark of you thowbacks and for that alone he will suffer. And it matters little what I want Liege Maximo wants an Audience with you himself as fellow "Children of Primus" I presume. Take them."