[quote=@BytheSpleen] [@Claw2k11] Iosef knelt down in front of the man, and leaned over him so his lips almost touched the man's ear. "Meriath," was the only word he whispered. "I want to see Meriath. I will pay you a great sum for you to take me through a route where no one will follow me, and for you to shut your mouth if asked about it. You will have to hide for a few days, too." [/quote] His eyes suddenly go wide at the word and he says: "Yes, right away!" He says eager. "Though you could have said that word to anyone and they would have lead you there with no requirement of payment." He answered and lead Iosef through a maze of alleyways until they reached what seemed to be a small well kept temple. "Say the same thing to head priest inside the building, he will give you what you need and will take you where you need to go in mere seconds." The man said with a smile, as if his misfortunes had gone away in the past few minutes. [quote=@Simple Unicycle] "Will do." With that, Connor walks off and looks around the town. [/quote] The town was a bustling metropolis, rivaling in size the Human and Elven cities, despite belonging to none of the two of the above. This city was filled with all sorts of species in here. This city was a magnet for all sorts of traders. However, this day, the streets were quite clear and people were scarce, most of them being strong bandits or mercs. And soon he found out why. A large, scarred man, followed by dozens of other bandits came through. If he looked on the poster to the left, he could see it was a wanted poster for the man heading his way. He was named Goran the Ripper and he has a bounty of over 500 platinum coins... a fortune! Though he must have earned both his nickname and his reward.