The tavern doors swings wide open, cascading a long dark shadow across the taver floor. A man of muscular build with broad shoulders, standing tall with authority and purpose, confidently strides in. He is garbed in tight dark brown leathers and heavy travelling boots. Over that, blackened steel greaves protect his shins, a well polished ornate breastplate covers his chest and braces of the same darkened sturdy extravagant material extend to his solid gauntlets. He holds tight under his arm a visored helmet to complete the military ensemble. His face, the only bare skin exposed, bares a man weathered by many a hardships and obstacles, aged by the sun and littered with long healed reminants of scars he would be estimated in his late thirties. Soft stubble litters his masculine jawline, the thick ragged dirty blonde hair atop his head only adds to his rugged charm. The one feature that truly makes the man unique is his deep dark mesmerising brown eyes with a soft copperish glow like that of burning charcoal. A soft scent of brimstone flows on the air following him in as he makes his way to a secluded seat at the bar, eyeing those he walks past along the way. Once at the bar he places his helmet carefully down as he takes his seat and removes from a hidden pocket a modest pouch of coins. He throws the pouch down deliberately allowing a few pieces of shining gold to roll out. He then firmly taps the table top twice with his fingers in attempt to signal for service. As he waits he leans against the bar and tilts his head to the side, blonde wavy locks fall partially in front of his face as those deep dark, almost fiery orbs take in the surrounding sights.