[color=6ecff6]Marcus was sat in his cold and desolate room. The lights were on, and the almost pure glisten of white had nearly blinded him several times upon awakening. He shook. There was barely any coldness within the room, but his sense of fear and disparate plans of escape made him cold hearted. He wanted to escape now, but he couldn't. His armour was sitting right in front of him, and he could slip himself into it for just the pure comfort of knowing that it served a little bit of protection from any interrogator that was inevitably going to come in and punch the shit out of him. Rosa had no idea what they were still doing to him, as she thought of him being a regular trooper gone missing. It had been a while since the two had actually met, though it wasn't in Marcus' memories. She assisted him many times during his first years...it was probably the first and only person that Marcus could call a friend...something he never ever had done, minus the three shot on the rooftops. "Marcus...I want you to do as I say..." A speaker bellowed. "Do I have your attention?" Marcus looked upwards towards a simple camera, nodding to himself and to it. "Excellent. I just want to see how you get into your...suit? It wouldn't take long and I'm sure that it wouldn't be a hassle." As Marcus walked up to the Exo-Skeletal structure of metal and machinery, he hesitated in nerves. He was allowing them to try and get an idea on how it worked, when in reality he was giving them tests that wouldn't get them anywhere. This was getting them nowhere...and he was getting nowhere too. The little chest piece opened as he pulled a small part, allowing him to step inside. Fitting the shoulder pieces on was child's play, as he allowed his arms to be entaken by the exo-skeleton. He felt more safe now...he was within his suit of little protection. "Hmm...interesting...Alright Marcus, thank you! I'll get back to you later after we change our security guards. Dismissed!" The buzzer clicked off. He grinned slightly as a one-way screen acting as a window showed the outer city. Obviously they couldn't use glass, but a screen was good enough to capture the small beauty of the world as he knew it. He aimed his outside camera downwards, seeing the 33 stories below him, himself being on the 34th. He noticed how the three Department towers made a spire around the central garden in the, you fucking guessed it, centre of the area. A thought swished through his mind as he thought if there was any hope of him even exiting this building without it being a mission. The large hall of tribute was outside his door and corridor, so it was clearly suicide to run straight through there without any weapons...[/color]