This sound fun. Would totally make a love interest or two. I did play a shall we date game so know some bit how it works. When it comes to setting. I would love to see something less used. School are too often used but how about a band setting with a rival band. Or maybe movie shooting, so we get actors and the staff, add maybe to be horror movie or a fantasy or scifi movie to make it more interesting. Or a traveling group of some sort. Or maybe early mars colony. Or maybe Space ship pirates and the humans get kidnapped by mistake. Mistaken identity. Or something easier a ad making company with new employers. Or more of a classic thing vampire, witches etc. Or a noble aristocrats and their servants could be set in pretty much any period. Or maybe sea world biologist on work in a tropical sea. Or .....*looks at the number of ideas* um... I over did it or? Well if you need more I dont mind letting my mind go crazy. **** for stats, how about we do the simple thing the more stat in athletics the more affection points one get from the sport loving/focused love interest. A example how it would work. We say collect 50 points to get a date with love interest X 75 for first kiss 120 for being a couple. When making the character you get 10 points to put in the following categories. Athletics: 5 Knowledge: 2 Charm: 1 Luck: 1 Creative: 1 Instead of gaining levels we do so that, Each time you post for example 3 times( we could add with at least 2 paragraphs but doesnt have too) you get one point to spend. So each love interest should have for example 1-2 categories he is attract to. Ben - Athletic & Charm So when a person talks to him/her and gives them a favorable type of answer they get 5+1 =6 points in the love bar. And a unfavorable answer gives the half of it 6/2= +3 or we could say one loses 3 points that would make it harder. And work for creating rivals? But talking to example Yuo who likes creativity and charm would earn them only 2 points for a positive answer and lose/earn 1 point on a bad answer. well thats just a idea on top of my head on how to make stats XP