[color=ed1c24][b][u]Character by KenyeIsMyLife[/u][/b][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/WUMpsAY.jpg?1[/img] Full Name: Mathias JägerderRoten Nicknames/Alias/AKA: "Shadow of Anton" "The Little Shadow" Age: 18 Gender: Male DOB: 02/14/1997 Occupation: Hunter/Student Race: Human Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Muted Dull Blue Height and Build: 5'11" Light frame, "scholar's body" as some might say Other Appearance: Has a claw scar across his face, he claims that it was a jumpy mountain lion that did it to him History/bio: You know all those scary stories that parents parents would tell their kids warning about the dangers of man playing god. Those men that cut apart and put together animals to sate their demented curiosities. Well, young Mathias loved those stories. Stories of how a regular man, unshackled by morals, was able to fight against the cruel leers of his peers to further the cause for science. As a member prestigious Jager family he was bound to be a great German Jager, but after the little conflict of interests following the fall of Nazi Germany, his little branch of the family were exiled. Some chose to retreat into the German country-side, others such as Mathias' Great Grand Father defected to the Russians as they drove closer to Berlin. Now naturalized Russians his branch of the family provided research and support for the Korikovs, which, despite initial qualms, have proven to be a valuable partnership. Their new Russian caretakers were less restrictive in scientific practices, allowing rather questionable experiments to take place in the next half-century. Mathias was apprenticed to his Grand Father, Anton JägerderRoten, a respected Hunter during the Cold-War; whats more, Mathias followed him around everywhere; whether it be meetings, experiments, hunts- and even interrogations- little Mathias was at his grandfather's tailcoat, earning his nicknames from his Grandfather's colleges. Now as a full-fledged hunter he was to be granted his own post, they would start him off small, a quiet little town with another young hunter both posing as transfer students under the guidance of a senior hunter to keep an eye on the supernatural presence, and to bring back any lucrative subjects he can get his hand on. Family/Relationships: Mother - Rachel JägerderRoten (42) - (Alive, Stationed in Canterbury, UK) Father - Johan JägerderRoten (43) - (Alive, Stationed in Canterbury, UK) Izabelle JägerderRoten (23) - (Alive, Stationed in Oslo, Sweden) Gregory JägerderRoten (15) - Younger Brother (Alive, Apprenticed to Korikov Hunter in Moscow) Other: Has great knowledge in the anatomy of many supernaturals as well as the application of many chemicals and tonics.