I marked a few suitable spots for Damo and anybody else that wants to join and is still looking for a space. [img]http://i.imgur.com/guIIAfG.png[/img] Spot #1 is where KalMea used to be, but it's pretty safe to assume that Hael isn't coming back. Spot #2 was also claimed by some guy who wanted to do an Egypt-themed nation, but I haven't heard about that in a long time so it's possibly open for the taking as well. [s]EDIT: The yellow area next to spot #3 is also open, apparently.[/s] The two small white spots next to the red nation that aren't numbered are technically not claimed by anybody, but I and a few other people have plans for them to be NPC nations to get a plot in motion. Maybe if we are absolutely out of space somebody could take one, but as is I'd respectfully ask that you choose somewhere else.