Caster, never one to really enter quietly, did not simply appear in the summoning circle when she was called into the world by the Master. No, instead, the Servant awnsered the call by smashing through the roof of the gym directly above the ritual circle, spreading debris and dust everywhere, and kicking up a storm. However, when it cleared enough to see, there was not a speck on her pure white coat, nor a crease or crinkle to show she had just smashed through said roof. Aside from the coat, she didn't seem to have any sort of weapon, and the only thing that stood out was a small, red gem-like sphere in her left glove. Even her light ginger hair, tied into twin pigtails was pristine, without so much as a scrap of debris in them, or a hair out of place. Then, after a few seconds of scanning around the Gym, looking casual but having an underlying motive, her blue eyes turned to Chad and Jason. "Good day, I am Caster. Which of you two is my Master?" She asked, brushing off imaginary lint from her shoulder, and then looking back at the two, striking an intimidating figure even though she stood, unarmed, and even smiling softly.