Kyo considered exactly what it was that he knew about swimming. It wasn't much, but he knew the very basics. He had been lucky enough to learn at an early age, but it had been some time since he had last gotten to use that knowledge; he hadn't even been much aware of the existence of the pool here, though he decided that it was certainly something good to remember for the future. Oddly enough, this water felt heavier than he remembered. It felt like it pulled him down against the air in his lungs rather than pushing him up. He floated fine, but he couldn't shake that odd sensation. Trying his best to ignore it for the moment, the scrawny boy pushed off the bottom of the pool and began treading water. It took a minute to remember how to kick properly, but he figured it out eventually and started thinking about anything else he could remember. There was at least one stroke he did it go again?