Kryo, you made no mention of the snowball being thrown at you. You have to acknowledge it in some manner. [quote=@Doc Doctor] [i]Feeling playful, Gonad chucked a snowball at the back of the icy dude's head as he walked off. It seemed like an appropriate thing to do. If the ninja turned around, Gonad would be acting all innocent and (trying) to whistle.[/i] [/quote] [quote=@Kyro] The assassin turned his head slightly, seeing the barbarian standing awkwardly. He was making a fool of himself. But no matter, Cyro saw it as a threat, and quickly dashed towards the man. 5 paces forward, the assassin disappeared into thin air. He knew he would confuse the behemoth. Now he would have to see how smart the man was. [/quote]