[center][color=00a99d][h3]Ming Hua/Noah[/h3][/color][/center] Ming Hua's eyes darted, from the boy with very strange implants, to Peter. He had his arm around Emma, and she was very clearly blushing. [i]Huh[/i]. Or perhaps the blood-rush came from the indignation with which she spoke. [color=lightcoral] "You're doing all this bologna just to get a conversation with me? How about you knock on the door like a normal person? Like holy crap dude my dad just put that door in a month ago."[/color] Ming Hua might have made a raspberry blast at that, until he remembered that the disappearance of her father was what kickstarted this entire fiesta. But with the appearance of a second girl, Ming Hua was thrown for a loop. Sorin stalked away, and Alex reemerged. [color=lightblue]"Car is started in the garage. We gotta try to gather people. Got a loudspeaker horn in the car."[/color] As Alex walked back to the garage, Ming Hua glanced around at Emma and Peter, before promptly following. [color=00a99d]"That's generous of you,"[/color] he murmured to Alex, as he clutched his satchel to him, its contents softly rattling within the fabric. [color=00a99d]"Consider me most obliged."[/color] Ming Hua looked back at Emma, to quip, [color=00a99d]"Appears to be you've got a fair lot of suitors around these parts, mermaid."[/color]