[hider=Cia Hindle] Name: Cia Hindle Age: 26 Sex: Female Race: Were-Bear [hider=Appearance] [img]http://img13.deviantart.net/d82c/i/2014/089/9/b/masha_and_the_bear_by_kawacy-d7c87lr.jpg[/img] [/hider] Occupation: Vegetable Farmer Skills: Cia is very good at her job as a farmer. She raises vegetables for the most part, with a few cows and pigs as well. Cia is a very good sales woman, and also very good at sewing. Cia’s vegetables are said to be some of the best in the country. Powers: Can turn parts of her body into that of a bear. For the most part she’s in control except for the occasional bear ears popping up. Cia also has unnatural strength. She has been known to move boulders that normally take several men pushing them in order to push them. Inventory: Basket full of vegetables and other assorted items. History: Cia was born in the village and has lived her whole life there. However a few years back her parents disappeared entirely. No one knows where they went, and Cia rarely ever speaks about it. Ever since their disappearance Cia has worked hard to make the farm even more successful than it was before. Point of Interest: The Farm. (She lives and works here) [/hider]