[hr][h1][i][color=Lawngreen]Sonya Mayfield[/color], [b]Henry Olin[/b], [color=Plum]Trevor Obott[/color], John Cole Sykes, [color=Gray]Quentin Taylor[/color], & Task Force RAVEN.[/i][/h1][sub][i]Written in collaboration with [b][@tsukune][/b], [b][@Zombiedude101][/b], [b][@UrbanEvolution][/b], & [b][@DJAtomika][/b][/i][/sub][hr] [i]An hour later...[/i] "...Got any ones?" Trevor asked, sitting down with his legs crossed. Holding a bunch of poker cards in hand. Scarlet was sitting across from him in the same position. Jesus Christ monkey balls this is so boring. He was literally sitting here breathing into this stupid ass mask, waiting for his ass to go numb. This wasn't the secret agent stuff good old Trevor wanted. Oh well. He'd rather get a bunch of favors by sitting on his ass, than fighting supervillains. "Wish I could come down here with you and play," Sonya said into the comms, sounding bored as Trevor. She was just sitting in the bushes with Maria, waiting for Henry's plan to get put in motion. "Hey man, I said the plan'd work, not that it'd be a ton of fun," Henry commented. He turned his gaze to Trevor and have him a strange look. "We're playing Blackjack, Trevor. Not Go Fish." "I know - but I was losing, so we're playing goldfish now." Trevor noted. "I wanted to shoot someone, damn it," Sonya said. "I can't sleep unless I shoot one person a day." Leaning against the wall, Leon's attention was more on the surrounding area than the three. Not that anything would sneak up on them with all the agents here keeping an eye on things. He had to stay on guard. He didn't want to get yelled at in case something did go wrong. "Might have a problem..." Swam Queen spoke into the comms. "What is it?" Maximilian asked. "Some people are coming out. I don't know how many," she answered. "Oh, that's not good," Sonya said. "Inkshade, spot 'em for me." Inkshade turned to Sonya and nodded, before looking down the sights of her binoculars. "Tag them," Maximilian ordered. "I want to know how many, and where they are." Nikki nodded, and focused a bit. She had to be stealthy, because she was certain that REAPER knew about her ability from earlier encounters. She willed away the insects that were keeping an eye on the entrance. Making them scatter into the shadows and creeks of the building. She put flies on their pants, and shoulders - three of them. Going off the position of the rest of the insects in the factory, they were heading right out the door. There were some faint conversations. "We got three of them - don't know where they're heading - but keep your eyes open." Quentin quietly flexed the fingers on his right hand for good measure, keeping a firm hold on his 870 as Max kept in touch with them over the comms. Even with the regenerative properties he'd gained back in that hellhole, he could still feel where those leeches had dug in and had to alleviate the stiffness somehow. Henry moved his hand to his secondary weapon, which was his own Remington 870 with a Salvo-12 suppressor. It was simple, but it would be better in thise close range setting that his LSAT, and much quieter with the suppressor. His claw toyed with the safety, flicking it on and off in a nervous habit. "Oh." Trevor said to himself as his heart started racing. "I... Uh... Think I just pissed myself a little." Okay, Secret Agent bullshit was starting to seem scary the second the villains showed up. Leon quickly caught sight of the trio just as they walked out the building. He zoomed in on them, having a random conversation about getting some drinks after the job, and shit. However, one of them said, "Hey I'm going to take a piss." Before heading around the corner...towards the AC Units. Daphne chuckled through the comm. [i]Talk about coincidence.[/i] She stopped quickly before she might get caught by Dana. "Oooh, this isn't good," Leon said. "Oh wait, I guess it's fine, but not ideal. Two dudes are heading Max's way, and the other one is going to take a piss - headin' towards the AC units, but I don't know." Maximilian nodded his head, he turned towards Helena and Quentin. "Alright, we can't let anyone leave the base, so here's what we're going to do." He started off, before going onto the next part of his plan, "We're going to take positon in the bushes, and once they get close enough, we quickly attack from two directions, and catch them off guard." He nodded his head. "Weapons free." Slinging the 870 and retrieving his suppressed P226, Quentin returned the gesture and slowly moved into position. Granted, he knew a shot wouldn't exactly be a silent wisp as they'd always shown in the movies, but at this time of night, outside, anyone could've mistook it for the sound of a bottle falling off a dumpster in the distance or a car door slamming shut. "Let's go." Maximilian reached down and pulled out his suppressed Berretta 92. He quickly moved ahead as Helena pulled out her own suppressed ACR rifle. Helena quickly moved ahead of the group, and when they reached the pathway that the men were walking down, Helena flashstepped to the other side. It only made a distinct sound that was hard to differentiate from wind. She appeared on the other side, and put her hand up, Maximilian nodded his head as he and Quentin got into position as well. The two men came up on their little ambush, and Maximilian put his hand up, and raised three fingers. Counting down as they got closer. Signalling for Quentin and Helena to get ready. Maximilian lowered his last finger, and pointed his index and middle finger ahead. Helena opened fire with her ACR, whilst Quentin quickly lined up a shot with the other and squeezed back firmly on the trigger. Daphne cringed at the chorus of telepathic feedback she received from the plants about the guntshots - she was forced to close off her mental link with the floras for a few seconds before their excited voices flood her mind. When the shots stopped, the two scientists were dead. "Targets eliminated." Maximilian said into his earpiece. He quickly said, "Good work, RAVENs." [hr] "Oh, you three-" Sonya started off, before her [i]best friend[/i], The Allseer, decided to politely cut her off! "Hey, you forgettin about me?" "Le- I mean Allseer, don't make me tase your dick again." Sonya warned through the comms. "Me and Inkshade got this. Best shot in NEST, after all. Just stay calm and...." Sonya leaned forward a bit, and looked down the sights. Inkshade was looking through the binoculars, and the man came in sight. She immediately marked the man, and Sonya grinned. Sonya turned her sights towards the man. At this pace, she could easily snipe a great big hole in his chest! But Sonya didn't feel the moment was right. She focused a bit, and raised her hand into the air. Wind movements were off a little bit. She could tell by the plant-life moving on it's own. Thrown off by all the rain. She needed to wait for the right moment. Or else she would end up hitting the wall, or something, and he's going to run screaming back into the base. And NEST can't have that, now can they? Only sound Sonya made was taking in a great deep breath, and going in focus. She had her sights lined up, only waiting for the moment when he wind stopped. The man was getting closer to Henry and the others. Jesus Christ. Does he take a piss on the air conditioning every night- When the wind stopped, Sonya didn't waste a second. She pulled the trigger, and she immediately heard the satisfying wisp of her Barrett. It tore through the air faster than the speed of sound, and hit the man in the chest - literally before he knew what was going on. He stumbled a bit, before looking down, and falling over. "Well, he's not getting up." Sonya said to himself. "Target eliminated." "Nice shot!" Maria complimented. "All in a day's work, after all." "This is agent Dragonfly, requesting the emergency evac of both Panacea." Henry radioed in. He turned his attention over to the siblings. "Unhook yourself. We're pulling you both out." Henry stated, cutting the connecting tubes with his index-claw. He passed his shotgun to Scarlet, and grabbed his final weapon, a holstered Remington, and tossed it to Trevor. The second he got handed a weapon, Trevor got moist. This wasn't any other shotgun - it was a bloody Remington. Underneath that mask of his, he grinned. This should take out anybody. "Cover's blown. Crash course- safety off. Aim at the target, pull the trigger, try not to close your eyes." Henry instructed, his voice very much rushed. "Car should be pulling up any second and we're gonna load you in and get you to a safehouse for the next twenty four hours. You see anyone that gets in between you and that car, you shoot at them. Do you both understand me?" Scarlet nodded her head. Like Trevor, they both had experience shooting. Scarlet was also one that got herself some NEST training. "Yeah, I got this." Trevor nodded his head. Smiling. "And it's great ya' remember my gun shootin' hobby, Dragonfly." "There's a difference between shooting and getting shot at." Henry said, standing to his full height and grabbing them both by their shirts, pulling them off the ground and shoving them forward. "Ride's a block from here. Now move! Merryday and Inkshade will cover you, me and the others are going in." Henry said, cocking his LSAT. "Yes, yes I will." Sonya said, putting her sights on the area. She turned to Inkshade, who threw her a look of disapproval. "Oh, I mean [i]we[/i] will. Don't worry lads!" "I'll assist in securing the retreat route," Daphne spoke through the comm. "The shrubs and bushes around will be your cover, and the trees shall be your eyes. Just keep running...and focus on shooting whoever in your way before you." "Trees will be my eyes...?" Trevor asked. What was this... No what, nevermind. He and Scarlet didn't waste any time in getting the hell out of here. They immediately ran for the bushes, before they disappeared. "Oh, looks like it's tiiiiiime." Leon said with a wry grin. "I was waitin' to get back at those bastards at the Hands ever since what they did to Max n' Adam." He grinned. Henry scoffed and cracked his neck. "Entrances arent too far from here. Front or side?" Maximilian's fingers went to the comms. "You and All-Seer take the sides. Me, and the others will be going in through the front." He nodded his head. Looks like it's showtime. "All-Seer, how is it looking in the base?" "Lemme take a looksies..." Leon immediately projected his eyes downwards, and peaked inside their rather fancy lab. Scientists were passed out, or they were getting a little drowsy. Perfect for the taking. "Looks clear, but...." He saw some REAPERs running through the base. "... I think they're just starting to notice." "Just make sure you wear a gas mask, assholes." Henry said, his skin shimmering to match the color and texture of the building wall. "Nah, I think I'll snort some tee- I mean airborne drugs!" Sonya joked as she followed the Obotts from a distance. "Keep and eye out for me. We dont want want to repeat last time and I definitely dont want another FRIENDLY bullet. Au revoir!" Henry said, saluting them and then moving away to an entrance, more than likely to wait for the signal to break into the building in unison. Maximilian sighed. He reached down to his datapad, and sent Cyber a message. [u]Cyber, enact the plan at once.[/u] [quote]Got it.[/quote] With a flick of his wrist, Cole enacted his plan. Step one. Within the facility's power grid, Cole searched for and found the mains that lent power to the security functions; alarms, door locks and cameras, and turned them off. Almost immediately, cameras all over the base began blacking out and turning off, along with the alarm systems. Mag-locked doors unlocked, and the prisoners within the prison block were treated to their first real taste of freedom. The guards within the security hub reacted immediately, just like he anticipated. The doors within the hub were still powered by some auxilliary supply, which helped him enact step two. Another thought, and the doors of the hub locked themselves tight. One of the guards slammed into the locked door and swore as he struggled to get it open. Step two done. Now, for step three. With the power temporarily disabling all security systems, he searched for the connections the alarms made with the main hub, a bundle of data cables buried within a wall. He took those connections and, with some measure of force, broke them entirely. The cables themselves suffered no physical harm, but all incoming and outgoing data bursts would be immediately stopped. Step four. Landline communications were handled by a routing room within the facility, which was still operational. He solved that problem by shunting all power from that room outside into the main factory aboveground. That would result in some lights and perhaps some of the old machinery turning on in the factory, alerting RAVEN that something was up. Step five: handling that pesky data wipe worm. Cole was already stationed in the main server room, waiting patiently for it to strike. And, right on cue, it did. A swirling crimson mass grew from a terminal to one side of the room and immediately attacked one of the servers, slowly devouring its bright blue glow. Cole swooped in and threw a punch to fend off the worm, knocking it aside as he accessed the servers and immeidately started throwing every single byte of data down the data pipelines towards NEST's servers. Step six was on its way to being handled. Cole focused his attention on the wiper worm as data flowed from the server room to NEST's servers. Locked in combat, Cole had time to send one brief message before he had to defend himself against the worm. [quote]Systems down, data transfer in progress, busy fighting data wipe. On your own for now. -Cyber[/quote] Keep watching him, Allfather, White Leopard." Now that Cyber disabled their systems, it's time to get into position. Maximilian quickly moved into position, with his squad behind him. They quickly moved in with the rest of RAVEN moving in. They reached the door into the warehouse that lead into their stronghold. Each RAVEN taking position by the door, Maximilian considered calling out his Echo, since they're going to be going up against baseline humans - but in the case they're not, he just gave away their position. He firmly grasped his pistol. He nodded his head, and placed his fingers on his commpiece. "Agents, this is the big one. The day where we remove the Hands of Science as a threat once and for all. When we get in there, I want you all to hit them hard and fast. Eliminate all threats, weapons free, and disable any scientists you come across." "Got it." Sonya said. "Think I'm going to need to swap out with an ACR." "Let's just get this over with." Helena said, bored. "Aw snap, it's on." Leon said, far more excited. "Just don't get hurt or anything." Nikki noted. "Boom! Clap! The Sound of my gun! The shots go on, and on, and on, and on, on!" Henry sing songed into the comms. Quentin only deigned to answer that by tugging on his sling. "This will be the end of their perversion of science." Adam sternly noted. "I'll be moving in once Cyber is out of range." "I'll be alerting the teams on standby." Dana said. "Just promise me you all won't do anything stupid." "Alright RAVEN, I'm cooking a flashbang. Give me a countdown." Henry stated. "3, 2, 1..." Maximilian counted down. Henry cracked the door on the side of the building he was on, and tossed about three flashbangs inside. He quickly shut the door behind him and turned his head in the opposite direction. "And a one, and a two, and a one, two, three, four!" There was a very loud bang, and an ever more painful flash followed closely by several others from other various parts of the building being stormed by other agents. Henry turned around and in unison with the others in RAVEN rushed through the doors and open fired on anything with a heartbeat. The RAVENS formed a line, and they immediately opened fire on what was a group of REAPERS coming out to investigate. They were cut down, slaughtered quickly. After the flash faded, all that was left was a few dead bodies (And some dead rats). Sonya walked over, and kicked one of the dead rats. "Looks like we solved their rodent problem while we were at it, heh?" She joked - which went ignored as RAVEN pushed onto the door. Maximilian stood before the metal door that lead into the tunnel that lead straight into their base. He reached down to his vest, and put on a gas mask, and he ordered the rest to do the same, "RAVEN, put on your masks now." That earned him a thumbs-up as Quentin tugged at the mask dangling from his belt, flexing the straps on over his head before letting them snap against him whilst the filter and goggles covered his face, sarcastically adding "Hope they washed this before dumping it in the armoury." "Come to think of it, would that stuff even do [i]anything[/i] to me and Inky?" Sonya questioned as she put her own mask on. Which went with the rest of her little suit. She shrugged. There was heavy gunfire from Henry's side of the mic when he piped up. "You're an amphibian. You're more at risk to being under the influence than all of us with that pereable skin." Another round of gunfire. "I dont know about Inkshade, but I dont think now's the time to risk it. Excuse me-" Henry was then cut off, but you could hear him yelling about something. There was a loud burst of crashing noises followed closely by 'Excuse me?! Excuse me?!" and then the sound of shattering bone and slamming sounds. Many NEST agents who were listening cringed. The crowd of footsteps quickly approached behind them as the team that Dana had on standby appeared in the building. "The squads have arrived." Dana noted. "Yup. Didn't hear 'em rushing in here like a horde of Gorillas!" Sonya snarked, sticking out her long tongue. "Thanks for the reminder." "Alright...." Maximilian called out Echo, and his shadow floated towards the door, and opened it. Before fading away. "... Let's get this party started."