[centre][h3][color=9966CC]Wakahisa Mio[/color] [b]&[/b] [color=pink]Wakahisa Tamiko[/color][/h3] [hr] [h2][color=9966CC]Wakahisa Mio[/color] [b]&[/b] [color=pink]Wakahisa Tamiko[/color] :: February 1st :: 7:32AM :: Cafeteria[/h2] The girls had pretty much finished their meals and had moved on to reminiscing about the past. In fact, Tamiko was laughing like a madwoman at one of Mio’s stories about Father when when she caught something moving out of the corner of her eye. Now, considering they were in a public space in a prime time for activity there, she really shouldn’t have been surprised. Most of the time, if someone got too close in a situation like this, they were looking for a chair or some salt. And usually, they’d have spoken up to make themselves known. The intruder, however, was an outlier. Mio eventually noticed that Tamiko had completely stopped paying attention to her and whirled around in her seat, not without a tinge of annoyance and truth be known, jealousy. But that pretty quickly dissipated. Behind the older Wakahisa girl was a gal that...well, quick frankly, was incredibly small. Mio could have swooped her up and carried her out in her pocket if she had half the mind to do so. But what was truly curious wasn’t her size, it was what she was holding. A whiteboard with a message on it. According to the board, the diminutive chick was Aimi. A seventh-year. Mio had to admit, she was impressed that the girl had the spine to approach two much older classmates like she had. It showed a bit of spunk hidden under the otherwise harmless appearance. And more than that, she wanted to sit with them. With Wakahisa Mio! In her previous school, most students would flee from such a tyrant. Flee and hide behind the knees of their cowering mothers and fathers. For this girl to ignore such a reputation, to still choose to sit with her, why...she was impressed. Granted, it was much more likely that the girl didn’t know her from Adam. And why would she? Mio hadn’t been at Yamaku long enough to even have a rep. Yet. Tamiko was more concerned with the girl’s face. Not that there was anything wrong with it. Aimi was well on her way to becoming a beautiful young lady, though she notice that her skin’s color didn’t seem...consistent. Huh. But that was beside the point...Tamiko would recognize the blotches and redness anywhere. And though the girl was desperately trying to avoid eye contact, Tamiko had caught a few glimpses of her bloodshot eyes underneath her beautiful black bangs. If this girl hadn’t been crying recently, then Tamiko would be worried for her overall health. Before either girl could answer, Aimi flipped her board back around and changed the message. When she showed it to them again, Tamiko’s heart nearly broke in two. This girl was just too much. Too adorable. It was like a helpless little kitten. The sisters ended up glancing at each other at the same time. Tamiko smiled and Mio aped her. Both nodded. It was settled then. Regarding the girl with a friendly, warm smile, Tamiko gestured to the open seat. [color=pink]“By all means, please. We’d love to have you join us, Aimi. I’m Wakahisa Tamiko. And this is-”[/color] Before Tamiko had a chance to introduce her sister, Mio interjected on her own. Tamiko giggled at this.[color=9966CC]“-Wakahisa Mio, her sister. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Are you al-”[/color] This time it was Tamiko who cut in. Her sister meant well, but she was utterly clueless when it came to relating to people. Aimi was obviously upset. And they were strangers. If she wanted to talk about what was going on, she would. But Tamiko had a feeling that that was probably the last thing she’d like to have brought up. Instead, Tamiko attempted to get the girl’s mind off whatever was bugging her. [color=pink]“-so, Aimi, how do you like it here? Got any [i]juicy[/i] stories to share? We’re pretty new around here ourselves. It seems like a nice place, and everyone seems rather polite, but I haven’t even had a chance to REALLY talk to anybody. Phooey. I haven’t even made my first friend of the year…”[/color] she chattered. Tamiko was good about just going on about nothing. And honestly, she was only half-kidding. She really hadn’t met anybody yet. And this Aimi girl...well, she was seriously like a little kitten. How could she NOT be nice to a kitten? Only monsters hate kittens. And she wasn’t a monster...right? Mio smiled at her sister, then shifted her gaze over to the younger girl. But she soon found herself looking at the board again. Since coming to Yamaku, she had encountered people with all kinds of...disabilities. She had spoken with a few in the deaf community. Using only written communication wasn’t entirely new to her but… The way the girl seemed to subtly twitch when the people around them spoke, the way she avoided looking at them despite asking a question...Mio would probably wager on this girl not being deaf. So what...just mute? Maybe… … Oh. Mio snapped out of her little trance. It felt wrong to linger too much on the girl’s condition. Her eyes floated up and checked the nearby wall clock. There was still plenty of time until the assembly. This little girl could keep Tamiko distracted fairly well. If nothing else, as long as they were resting in the cafeteria, that was time that Tamiko could have spent trying to escape. Mio silently thanked the whatever being saw it fit to send her the miniature ball and chain. There would be no class-cutting on her watch. Thus spake Mio. [@RomanAria] [/centre]