Admittedly Anna-Jayne was glad that, so far, she was alone. She had never been the best at starting conversations but felt she'd have to do so if otherwise. She ran her finger across the red backing of her seat before looking out the window for what was probably the 20th time in the last five minutes. Felix, whom sat next to her still awake eyed his owner, it was obvious the cat wanted to fall asleep but didn't want to be woken again. A whistle blew, the shrill sound filling the train like wildfire symbolizing that there was 15 more minutes before the train's departure. Anna-Jayne wised she had remembered a book or something to do on the trip to Hogwarts. She couldn't believe this was happening, she never believed in magic until the letter arrived, even then she wasn't completely convinced until the trip to Diagon Alley. That had changed her perspective quite quickly. She stroked Felix, running her hand down the cat's back bringing her to the receiving end of the cat's purrs. "[color=00aeef]Well this will be an adventure[/color]," she mutters to herself