Before he knew what was happening, Richard was thrown to the ground by the wannabe speedster. Landing on his stomach, he sputtered, the wind completely knocked out of him. Gripping his wand, he was ready to stand up and hex the ever loving shit out of him, only for [i]Jay motherfucking Garrick[/i] to show up and gently remind them to get to class and knock it off. With this new development, he begrudgingly nodded over to him, and was just about to get up when Rick punched him square in the nose, leaving him back on the ground, now with a bloody nose. It was around then when Amethyst decided to lecture [i]him[/i] of all people. [color=630460]"Let me give you some advice, honey. The world is a bad place. There will always be good and bad. You can't have one without the other. You're naive to think that your little heroic acts of justice will change the fact that there are bad people in this world with gifts like us. That's what you call life. Bad people will get rewarded and good people will be treated like shit. That boy in there deserved what was coming to him. Actions have consequences whether they are good or bad. You attempting to scold me won't fix anything. Learn something from this,"[/color] This really got Richard angry, and it took every fiber of self control he had to not get up and beat her to the ground. He exhaled, wiped his nose with his arm, and thought to himself"[color=a0410d]Oh I learned something alright, words won't teach you a damn thing.[/color]" He internally seethed "[color=a0410d]Next time I'll forgo them in favor of something you might understand.[/color]" As she walked off, he stood and dusted himself off, and took off the other way to join Mrs.Brown's class. Richard cooled down considerably by the time he shuffled into the classroom, not wanted to interrupt or make a scene of his entrance, He simply nodded at the professor, before slinking off to join the group of Tanya and Casey, figuring he may as well hang with the mythological creatures." [color=a0410d]Hey guys,[/color]" He said quietly,"[color=a0410d]Mind if I join you?[/color]" He asked.