Pisco having finished with his tasks of racking and kegging the various wines and beers at home found himself finished for the day. Already having paid his laborers he found himself alone wondering if he should increase the quantities he produces just keep himself busy. There really wasn't anything beyond waiting on his various brews and he wasn't a micromanager so he'd just wait until the next day to check. So instead he found himself at Staggerin' Lee's eyes focused into his glass of rye whiskey managing to be alone despite the vigorous chatter of the crowd. "Isn't it a bit early to start drinking, besides why are drinking some other's supply when you got your own?" The voice's raspy pep and familiar tone made him left his head up. "Because I'd be drinking away my profits with what small space I got for spirits. Fancy meeting you Sergent Logge." He intoned quite dryly. "Well I'm just here to spread word that we're looking for people to join the Sentinels." Logge replied to him. His gaze shifted from the Sentinel and back to his drink and the remains of his half eaten meal. "Well good luck with that." he said "Hey, you're able bodied and got plenty of time to spare why don't you join? I remember that time where you managed to clear up that brawl real good before we got there and there was that time with the thief." "Sorry, but no thanks I'm busy with other things." "Busy doing what? Loafing and just drinking all by your lonesome ? Whatever. Anyway if you change your mind I can vouch for you. Personally I'd think it'd do you some good to do something else but laze in the bars looking so glum. " Pisco didn't say anything and let Sergent Logge walk away to resume her duties. Short fluffy corn silk hair bobbing in disappointment me in failing to obtain a recruit. he stared at the clock before heading home.