Master Tatsunoko noticed a lot of smoke in his summoning circle, before some kind of warrior appeared. Tatsunoko shook his head. "No luck hmm... Didn't I sacrfice enough of those idiots?" He thought to himself, as he stared his just summoned servant into the eyes. "To be honest, I don't even care who you are. You aren't even an Assassin or Archer class.. You are practically useless to me..."Tatsunoko said with an arrogant tone, facepalming at the same time. The first time his servant asked who those innocents were, Tatsunoko stared to smile a bit, but he didn't really answer. As he was about to answer, he felt like he was surrounded by a lot of magic, before he got surrounded with golden light. He blinked his eyes, and when he looked again, he was in some kind of dining hall, as some weird blond guy started talking. Tatsunoko didn't care enough to listen, so he instead started to inspect some of his to be opponents, trying to look for weaknesses, as he saw multiple girls looking to be schoolgirls. "Geez... Schoolgirls? Are they really making it this easy?" He thought to himself, shaking his head, before he noticed his servant was still staring at him. "Oh.. I sacrificed those idiots, you can't do a proper summoning without some kind of sacrifice, right?" He said, with no emotion in his voice, showing he didn't care about those sacrifices at all. He expected his servant to be mad, so he was ready to use his first command spell to embarrass his servant in front of the rest of the mages and servants. A cocky smile appeared on Tatsunoko's face, enjoying the feeling of having total control over this warrior he just summoned. Servant Mizore was staring in the distance, when suddenly he heard her name, making her look at her master. "What, you know my name?" Mizore said, as it was now clear that she had tears rolling out of her eyes. "This must mean I really did die..."She said, as she stared at the ground with a even more depressed look on her face. She then changed her focus towards her master, as she started to inspect her master. "Well.. I guess I have no choice really... Do I?" She asked, tears still rolling from her eyes. She had no time to be depressed, as she soon was surrounded by really powerful magic, and when she blinked, she was in some large hall, with a quite handsome person sitting at the table. She looked around, and noticed lots of people who looked way stronger than she was. She looked back to her master, to see what her reaction would be.