[img]http://www.fantasticmaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/saemyyrfinalwebpreview.jpg[/img] @jordy0403 Internal strife covers your kingdom as House Shanyu and House Dayuan have started to hate eachother. For whatever reason, both houses claim that one of the houses insulted to other. Arguing came to insult, insult came to blows and now both houses have prepared their soldiers in order to attack one another and solve this situation once and for all by arms. To make it worse, there are rumors that House Avat, the leading house of Mtol Darask is preparing an army to come and crush this insurection, citing the reason that they want to build good relationships with house Torikani. Your advisors plead to you that you solve this situation quickly before the Daraski armies come and invade their kingdom for this. Most, however, simply plead to pick a side and destroy the opposing side, while only a few voices in your court advise you to deal with this diplomatically. @Lauder Your kingdom has been for decades known as a reclusive kingdom, choosing isolation over diplomacy. This has made your people very patriotic, ready to fight to the death for their country. However, the minor nobles and advisors at your court tell you that you should expand your horizons, open your borders... wage war. Your people seem to support this movement as well. However, a few voices have a different opinion, yes, the borders must open, however, we must pick diplomacy over warfare. What will you pick, will you open your borders and wage war, or will you simply pick diplomacy? @Error Even before the Celestial Empire collapsed, Wolastra was known as the richest region in the empire. And now that independence is at hand, your kingdom could have potential to restore the Celestial Empire, or start a new and better empire, one that will stand the test of time, unlike the previous Empire. However, the king of Gnyr Shalorn, claiming to be the emperor wants to restore the Celestial Empire. He has already formed alliances with Sylvanyr and Noatun, so they are well on their path of building such an empire, having just recently declared war to the reclusive kingdom of Nastrond. However, they may think it's not enough, as Shalorni ships have entered your seas and killed any pirates. While their intentions are good, this means that they do not recognize the borders of Wolastra and such, do not think it a independent kingdom, This has caused an uproar in court. Some nobles demand war, some demand reparations(though for what?), and some say that diplomacy is all we have to do. What will you do? @RisenDead Your kingdom is currently by far the most stable kingdom following the fall of the Celestial Empire. Rich in minerals and food, your kingdom is a trading hub, resulting in many riches, happy people and a strong army. However, worrying news have arrived. An alliance has been made by the kings of Sylvanyr and Noatun with Gnyr Shalorn. While nothing is wrong with that, the thing that is even more worrying is that Gnyr Shalorn and it's allies have declared war to Nastrond. And while you are not allies, your family and your other noble lords have always maintained good relationship with the autocratic kings of Nastrond, even having trading relations with them. And today two diplomats have come to your court in Utgaard, a Nastrondi diplomat and a Shalorni diplomat. The Shalorni diplomat asks of you that you allow their troops to pass through your territories into Nastrond to defeat the "savages" living inside the territory. The Nastrondi diplomat asks of you that you join them in their war against the aggresors, if not possible however, he asks of you to at least keep your borders with Sylvanyr shut so that they can deal with the Shalorni army on their own. Your nobles lean on favoring the Nastrondi, not by war, but by keeping your borders with Sylvanyr shut if not to join the war.