Aedan swayed unsteadily on his feet as smoke wafted up from his clothes. [i]This feels weirdly familiar.[/i] He thought to himself. [i]I think it's called a deja something.[/i] Himself thought back. Shrugging off the quandary he walked away from the burning bus behind him in what might be considered a badass manner if it wasn't for his reddened eyes and woozy expression. As it was, he merely looked concussed, which may have well been the case given how unbelievable it was that there seemed to be fire mayhem going down and to the best of his currently very temperamental memory he wasn't the cause of such madness and my word what a long and overly worded sentence that was, when all that was really meant to come across was that it was pretty unbelievable that he had nothing to do with the exploded the bus. Other than having been in it. Which was coincidence. Someone somewhere gave up on trying to explain the semantics of Aedan-based-bus-explosions and instead focused on him arriving at the gates of Gringore academy because actually nobody cares about him heroically pulling unconscious bodies out of a burning vehicle. What people want is to see him run face first into a wall away from a vampire that may or may not want to suck his blood. To be fair the vampire is pretty cool so maybe people wanted to see more of him than of Aedan and holy three foot long socks that aforementioned someone who is somewhere is not even close to getting on with the bloody RP post and is already two paragraphs in. [i]Someone somewhere is screwing with you.[/i] Aedan thought to himself. [i]Wait, don't you mean me? Don't [b]I[/b] mean me?[/i] Aedan wondered which sign of insanity encapsulated whatever this was. [i]It's the first I think. You're still good bro.[/i] Aedan smiled in relief. [i]Thanks man.[/i] Everything seemed so lavish in the entrance of the academy and he found himself very quickly becoming slack-jawed from either bewilderment or amazement. Or both. Or some sort of disease. Whatever it was he very quickly found himself lost but given that the day seemed mostly pleasant he was content to sit on the ground with his back against a wall in front of the entrance doors and wait for a student who looked like they knew what was going on to pass by so he could mug them of any information that they might have on where exactly he was supposedly going next. He did get the feeling though that it may well be into that wall and at a speed that would surely hurt a hell of a lot.