Name: Kjartan Reinhølt Age: 30 Country of origin: Faroe Islands/Scotland Native language and accent in English: Faroese, Danish and Gaelic, English is his fourth language and he speaks it with a noticeable accent and basic dialect. Appearance: Kjartan is a big man, so much so that you'd notice, and possibly recognize him from the Scottish National Rugby team. Towering at around 6'5 and some 240 pounds he is a monster of a man with a big blonde beard and hair the rolls down to his shoulder blades. As you expect from most athletes he is in fantastic shape, especially with the Rugby World Cup only few months away. The Scottish are favoured to win. Kjartan is currently wearing a kilt, rugby shorts and rugby cleats, nothing else. His beard is pleated into two massive braids that hang down his chest and his hair is hanging free. His body is free of tattoos but several vicious scars mark his body including an almost diamond pattern on his left hip, a gift from the Afghan Taliban following a stint in the Royal Marines. His eyes are a sky blue when entertained and an almost smoke grey when he is angry, a scar cuts across his face, narrowly missing his right eye as it travels down to his jaw. It offers him a handsome, somewhat sinister look, save for when he smiles. Strengths: Kjartan is a team player and excelled both as a soldier and a rugby player, though his injuries in the military nearly ruined both for life. He lived through intensive injuries and counts resiliency and determination amongst his greatest attributes. He has excellent vision and almost perfect hearing. Tactically minded, he is a natural for helping organize others and lead with skill and courage. he has basic military First Aid. His service in the military was only two years so he would hardly count himself a veteran soldier. Weaknesses: He has absolutely zero skill at any sort of crafting or creation of things beyond his military survival training. His father once teased him he is a "Strong back and a weak mind" which is certainly true when it comes to academics. He barely passed high school, graduating with a degree in hard knocks. He barely passed that too. So, you probably get the point, don't ask him for any sort of academic help. Ever. Possessions: One kilt, one belt, one pair of rugby shorts, and one pair of rugby cleats with black and white checkered knee-high socks.