Caster looked at her jacket, and frowned softly. "Really? I thought most Casters were all flowing robes and hoods and staves and magical bits" Caster quipped, before looking back up, and smiling at the man. "I will accept your wishes of alliange rather than serviance, Chad. It will be interesting to see how you do with this Holy Grail War. I shall support you, but victory will not lay with me alone" Caster told Chad, but, before she could take his hand, she was engulfed in a great light of magical power, and wisked away to somewhere entirely different. Somewhere very gold, with a prick on the end table. Caster rolled her eyes at the man's speal, and muttered to herself, in earshot of Chad, but few others. "Meglomanical Villain gloats, then gets his head kicking in by us lot, or himself" After the muttering, Caster looked to the table, not really feeling up to eating anything from said meglomanical Villain, and so just sitting there, wanting to start blasting holes in the room, but restraining herself.