[color=ed1c24][u][b]Character by Emma[/b][/u][/color] [img]http://cdn.collider.com/wp-content/uploads/jane-levy-suburgatory1-399x600.jpg[/img] [b]Full Name:[/b] Jadis Priscilla Nolan [b]Nickames/Alias/AKA:[/b] Jade [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]DOB:[/b] July 7th 1996 [b]Occupation:[/b] Student at Gringore [b]Race:[/b] Propheta Witch [b]Hair Color:[/b] Red [b]Eye Color:[/b] Bright Blue [b]Height and Build:[/b] 5'2, petite body type, weighing in at 117 pounds. [b]History/bio:[/b] [hider=Medium Length History] Jade's mother was only 16 when she accidentally got pregnant, and nine months later Jadis was born. Her parents married a year later in a traditional witch wedding ceremony. She grew up in Montaville along side the human populace as most Witches do, but Tellmore was an added bonus to her upbringing as she was surrounded by all the different supernaturals growing up. Because of Jade's heritage, she has the greatest amount of magical potential compared to her siblings, and cousins. As a toddler when she was overcome by strong emotions such as anger or frustration, her magic would overwhelm her to the point of creating powerful power outages, shattering windows, and giving people around her nose/ears bleeds. During these lapses of control, her grandmother would sing to her to calm her down, as her parents chanted protection spells to stop the worst of it. Born connected to three well known witch bloodlines, Jadis has more raw magic power then your average witch. Following her maternal bloodline she is connected to the Drăghici clan which was once one of the most ancient, and powerful of witch families in Europe. At least they were before their fall in the 60s, after Korikov hunters massacred most of the Drăghici members in Romanian. They were known for their talents in light magic, and divination. Jadis's grandmother Ecaterina was only seven years old, but she and a handful of others made it out alive, due to her own affinity with Sanabit magic. On the other side of her maternal bloodlines are the Radulescus. A bloodline that carries quite a history in blood, and dark magics. Historically the first-born Radulescu of every new generation ends up possessing devastatingly massive amounts of power, and the baby is always sacrificed, so the Radulescu coven can absorb, and keep using their ancient ancestral magic. This all changed in 1952 when for the first time in history, the first-born came as identical triplets boys. The massive power was evenly distributed between the babies, Corneliu, Ionel, and Neculai. The elders and head of the family coven came together to decide what to do, weather to sacrifice all three boys, or use the last of their magic to call upon their ancestors spirits for guidance. In the end they sought out a Propheta Witch, who explained to them that the triplets had the 'power of three' and though all of the living Radulescu witches of the past generations would soon loose their magic, the boys would not, and they would be the ones to carry on the Radulescu bloodlines, with all future generations bore from them having perpetual power without need for sacrificial first-borns. The triplets mother was overjoyed that her sons would not be sacrificed, but the rest of the family was not. They did't want to lose their magic, for their own children to be powerless. So with what little magic they had left they joined together to summon their ancestors spirits for answers. The spirits voices spoke, and explained that there was only two options. Sacrifice all three, and everyone can keep their powers, but they must sacrifice the first-[i]three[/i]-born of every new generation to follow. The second option was just as the Propheta Witch. The triplets mother knew that her relatives would insist on sacrificing the babies in order keep their power, no mater what the cost. So during the wee hours she took her baby boys and runaway from her coven, from the only home she knew. She only needed to stay in hiding until the boys first birthday, when it would be to late to sacrifice them. In the end the triplets grew up and started their own families, and kept the Radulescu magic going strong for the new generations. Jadis is the granddaughter of the eldest triplet, Corneliu. Her paternal side of the family hales from Irish ancestry, the Nolan's aka the Ó'Nualláin are more well known in Ireland and the United Kingdom. They follow the Celtic traditions of witch culture/magic. The Ó'Nualláin are extremely traditional, and have traceable ties to the ancient magic-blood royalty, thus granting them a high stats among witch kind. Ó'Nualláin witches more often then not excel in one of the elemental specializations. When Jadis was five years old her parents, grandparents, and handful of other relatives decided it was best to bind the majority of little Jade's powers until she could control them better, as she was starting kindergarten at the local school where she would be among many human children, and adults. Luckily the aggressive unstable kind of magic that Jadis was born with, did not manifest in her younger sisters. Even with the effective binding spell in place on Jade's magic, she still was proving to be extremely powerful witch, and showed early signs of her affinity with divination magic, and second sight. When she was 13 she chose to specialize as a Propheta of course. In fifth grade she met a new kid named Delia Tupper, they were seated as desk partners, and they quickly hit it off, becoming best friends. She spent a lot of her time at Delia's house, with her big family that welcomed her like she was one of their own. Unfortunately in tenth grade Delia died in a car accident. Jadis blamed herself, she hated her powers, what was the use of seeing the future if she could see anything important or be able to change things. She became bent on mastering her powers as fast as she could, as to make sure no one else she loved died, to make sure she could see whats coming. Overtime she learned the hard way that the future was always changing based on other decisions, and their was nothing she could do but watch and worn. Jade was seventeen when another Propheta witch came to town. The first one Jadis had met beside herself. Petra was her name, and old woman who had specifically come to train Jadis as true Propheta after seeing her stuggling to learn on her own in a vision. They became friends in the process. Jadis graduated highschool, and decided to take a year off before she started at Gringore. She spent the year with her cousins in Ireland. Getting into some trouble with a shifter boy there, she ended up running off to Italy with him for a few weeks of mistakes. Now she is starting her first year at Gringore, taking classes in Supernatural History, Witch Cultures, Potion brewing, and advanced spells among other things. [/hider] [b]Family/Relationships: [/b] Father - Carrick Nolan - Alive Age 37 - Terreni Witch Mother - Rahela Nolan [i]nee[/i] Radulescu - Alive Age 35 - Naturalis Witch Sister - Shale Nolan - Alive Age 14 - Naturalis Witch Sister - Tamzin Nolan - Alive Age 9 - Witch Maternal Grandmother - Ecaterina Radulescu [i]nee[/i] Drăghici - Alive Age 57 - Sanabit Witch Maternal Grandfather - Corneliu Radulescu - Alive Age 63 - Naturalis Witch Friend - Delia Tupper - Deceased age 15 - Human Mentor/Friend - Petra Greene - alive age 74 - Propheta Witch [b]Other/Extra:[/b] Speaks/Reads/Writes: Latin, Gaelic, Greek, and Romanian.