I'd like to apply. Newbies are accepted, no? Name: Rex Drake Age: 17 Personality: Despite Rex being related to Kin of Ibsis, he is relatively quiet and polite. He prefers being alone, or in small groups, because he can't focus when so many things are happening around him. He is quite knowledgeable about demons, but refuses to learn any fatal verses. Rex is also overtly fond of his weapons. History: Like many [sub][s]overused[/s][/sub] backstories Rex was found abandoned at the door of a monastery. However, a baby was not left-- but a large egg roughly the size of an NFL football. The lead priest Father Bowen Drake knew it was a dragon egg. However, rather than destroy it, he incubated it in a smith's forge that was on the monastery grounds. After almost two years, the egg hatched. To the Father's great surprise, inside was what appeared to be a human baby with wings and a tail. After consulting the local branch of the True Cross Order, it was decided that Drake could raise the boy. Rex grew and learned quickly, and decided early on that he wished to become an Exorcist. Only a few people outside of the monastery knew of his heritage, and only a handful of them knew about his wings and tail. Now an Exwire, he is more than ready to learn and fight. Appearance: Rex stands at precisely 5'8", and is of a stocky build, with broad shoulders. His complexion is quite pale, and never seems to burn or tan. His black hair is short but thick, and his eyes are a metallic silver in color; his pupils expand and contract almost like a cat's. His canine teeth are a bit prominent, and most of his teeth have slight serrations. Additionally, he has wings and a tail. Both are covered with black scales with gold, lightning-esque patterns. He prefers wearing black, and/or camouflage, and also keeps a pair of black goggles with reflective gold lenses on his forehead. If half demon what type?: Dragon (Kin of Ibsis) Meister: Knight, Dragoon Weapons: [url=http://orig13.deviantart.net/8c00/f/2011/017/e/a/gunblade_by_robbe25-d37dwz8.png]Gunblade[/url] that he has dubbed Huntsman; a [url=http://www.imfdb.org/images/c/c1/Bo3lcar.jpg]machine pistol[/URL] dubbed Fury. Miscellaneous: - Loves anime, manga, books, movies, video games, and music. - Rex always fights with his headphones on, and uses his ability to detect heat signatures to fight. - Absolutely hates the cold. - And before anyone asks, yes, he does breathe fire. However he hasn't been ableable to fully control this ability. I'll finish this soon.