[i]“Hello and welcome.” The smartly dressed German man addressed the recruits who sat around the long oak table in the modern boardroom. “My name is Alexander Biermann, I head the SND - the Supernatural Division of the Bureau.” He took a look around the room, then continued. “Contrary to what the name suggests, we typically solve cases that are too complex for other police agencies to handle. “You will notice laptop computers in front of you along with a briefcase. Inside you will find a belt, a collection of five mobile phones - switched off - a watch and an assortment of other standard issue gadgets, courtesy of the engineering department here in the Bureau’s New York offices. I will allow Mr. Osamu to explain their function and other uses. For now, I'll ask for your attention to be directed to the screen.” A screen electronically lowered itself from the roof, behind him. “I'd like to begin the investigation as soon as possible.”[/i] You have been invited to join The Bureau, a multinational police agency associated with no single nation, but with the United Nations as a whole. You have been singled out among your peers because of you skills, knowledge, maturity, special abilities or other such things. You may be a forensic analyst, a psychologist, a private detective, a soldier. Whatever the case may be, you've been singled out as useful to the Bureau and have been invited to join their ranks. Assuming you accept - you have been subject to an interview as well as a test and will begin on your first case shorty. [hider=Rules] 1. Please submit your CS to me via PM. This is for the purpose of a test of writing skill in an in character setting. 2. Post length is not important. However, the quality of a post is, you should be able to react to what is happening around you character and progress the story. 3. There will be a posted posting order. This will be decided on a first-come-first-served basis. 4. Please allow your turn to come back around before you post again, unless you are engaged in a scene with other players that needs your attention - collaborative posts are encouraged. 5. Please only use NPCs as you need them, I will be mostly using them to progress the story. 6. As the GM I will be conspiring with players to make the story interesting. 7. Prior to posting an IC reply please send it to me via PM for any relevant roles or judgements.[/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] (Remember, all CSs must be submitted to me via PM before they can be accepted) Name: (First/last) Appearance: (Preferably a picture, photographs and any art/style portrait is acceptable) Age and Sex: (As young or old as you want, however if a character is younger than 16 please have a convincing explanation as to why they are qualified to investigate with the police) Strengths and Weaknesses: (Everyone has them) Brief Biography: (Just a quick background check, I don’t need your life story, only what kind of person your character is, and I prefer character development to happen IC, because that’s where we really get to know you. Include qualifications for being chosen e.g. education or experience in the field of criminal investigation) Special Skills: (Why were you chosen?) Point assignment: 10 points are available to you. Each category must have at least 1 and a max of 10. Strength: (How much you can life and how much damage you can do with a melee weapon) Dexterity: (How precise you are and how accurately you can fire a weapon or throw something) Intelligence: (This affects you deductive reasoning skills and any feats of intelligence you may attempt) Fortitude: (This is how much damage you can take) Other: (Anything else?)[/hider] [hider=Posting Order] [list] 1) [@Melkor] 2) [Player 2] 3) [Player 3] 4) [Player 4] 5) [Player 5] 6) [etc...] [/list][/hider] [hider=Accepted Characters] [hider=Garret Foster]Name: Garrett Foster Appearance: [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091010193010/starwars/fi/images/4/45/Soontir_Fel_HS.jpg[/img] Age: 32 Sex: Male Strengths and Weaknesses: Photographic memory: Can remember names, places, and events in extreme clarity. Persuasive Easily irritated if outsmarted by an opponent Coratin V (will be explained throughout the RP; what it is, and what its effects are) Brief Biography: Notable for his charisma and an extreme knack for discovering clues hidden to most people, Garrett is one the foremost detectives in international crime. Due to his nature, he has connections with the underworld, and has his own small information brokering ring that travels the globe, trading cash and intel for information on the whereabouts of criminals. Due to his connections, though, he has used his skills to protect his more valuable informants from the eyes of other world detective organizations. Special Skills: (Rated on scale of 1-10) Global information network. Able to bargain for info on criminals that the regular detective force is unable to obtain. Crack shot with a Dan Wesson .357 revolver (8/10) Able to use charm to sweeten a deal in his favor (7/10) Point assignment: 10 points are available to you. Each category must have at least 1 and a max of 10. Strength: 2 Dexterity: 3 Intelligence:3 Fortitude: 2[/hider] [hider=Donnie Zao]Name: Donnie Zao Appearance: Age and Sex: 30 Male Strengths: expert martial artists, proficent marksman, covert infiltrator, Noble, Honorable tactician Weaknesses: Prideful, can be short tempered, Head strong, heights. Brief Biography: Donnie grew up in Hong kong and struggled most his young adult life lost both parents at the age of 16 to a group of triad thugs in a massacre his father was a police cheif and his mother an accountant. he then graduated high school and trained at Hong Kong's Royal Police academy, he then moved up the ranks and became an undercover agent working with his enemies unnoticed. until the moment he strikes, he was then offered a field operative in the PLA in a Triad special Taskforce. Special Skills: advanced combat skills, Expert recon, infiltrator Point assignment: 10 points are available to you. Each category must have at least 1 and a max of 10. Strength: 3 Dexterity: 3 Intelligince: 2 Fortitude: 2[/hider] [hider=Lucie Harrington] [b][u]Lucie "Luck" Harrington[/u][/b] [hider=Picture][img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lpvr0c2ZkG1qau4gfo1_1280.jpg[/img][/hider] - Freelance Forensic Photographer/Artist - Irish decent [hider=Information][b]Appearance:[/b] - Average height- around 5'6" - Most obvious being her long tousled turquoise and black dyed hair. - Few piercings line both ears and a small nose ring in the centre of her nose. - A healthy looking body (All that yoga and running pays off). - When on the job, will always present herself professionally in a skirt suit and heels otherwise she's just a jeans and t-shirt sort of girl. [b]Age and Gender[/b]: 27, Female [b][u]Strengths[/u][/b]: - A few good reliable connections within the law enforcement field including FBI, ATF. - Naturally curious and strong stomach from working around crime scenes for so long. - Picked up a few tricks of the trade from the detectives she has worked over the years, especially perceptive when it comes to crime scenes. [b][u]Weaknesses[/u][/b]: - Diabetic (Type 1). - Loves to gamble- cards and horses. - Working crime scenes/missing person cases does tend to take their toll as they would anyone, she has a habit of occasionally binge drinking/partying the weekend away. [b][u]Brief Biography[/u][/b]: - Born in Cork, Ireland where she spent most of her childhood, upper middle class family moved to the U.S while she was in early high school. While her parents returned to Ireland some years later Lucie stayed behind to continue her her Collage education (Arts Degree). - A natural artist she continually improved her sketching and photography skills by taking jobs such as real estate/business/commercial photography, portrait sketches/family photography. - Fell into her occupation in her first year if Collage by accident. During a realtor photo shoot she stumbled in on an apparent suicide, while naturally shaken by the what she saw she took a few photos of the crime scene. After further investigation and her photos as evidence it turned out it wasn't suicide at all. She was fascinated by the process and in turn it started her career as a Forensic Photographer and sketch artist. [b]Why was she hired[/b]: Lucie came highly recommended from a few law enforcement sources for her professional skill set. [b][u]Special Skills[/u][/b]: - Photography- including dark room processing, digital, 3D Photoshop etc. - Wealth of knowledge regarding the Occult and superstitions from many cultures (personal interest). Technologically savvy - Talented artist- uncanny ability to draw in detail what another person can describe. [b][u]Point assignment[/u][/b]: 10 points are available to you. Each category must have at least 1 and a max of 10. [b]Strength[/b]: 1(How much you can life and how much damage you can do with a melee weapon) [b]Dexterity[/b]: 3 (How precise you are and how accurately you can fire a weapon or throw something) [b]Intelligence[/b]: 4 (This affects you deductive reasoning skills and any feats of intelligence you may attempt) [b]Fortitude[/b]: 2 (This is how much damage you can take)[/hider][/hider] [/hider] [hider=Notable NPCs] [hider=Alexander Biermann] "Elementary, my dear Watson." [b]Name:[/b] Alexander Biermann [b]Appearance:[/b] [IMG]http://cdn.collider.com/wp-content/uploads/the-blacklist-james-spader.jpg[/IMG] [b]Age:[/b] 49 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Strengths[/b] - Deductive reasoning skills. He’s more skilled than your average detective and sees through most things, he second guesses almost everything that is presented to him. He’s good with a pistole. He also has skill in bugging a home or building which is to say that he can pick a lock and is good at infiltrating. [b]Weaknesses[/b] - Patience. He has almost no patience in a combat sceneario and will likely run into action without thinking first if he is close by, however if he is far away from a conflict then he usually thinks over his next move. [b]Biography/Personality:[/b] Biermann is a private detective, he keeps most of his history a secret. Though he casually tells people he meets that he’s half German. As for personality: Biermann would risk his life for an ally, however he would do nothing that would cost him his life - he would not take a bullet for anyone. He would, however, infiltrate a building to rescue someone assuming that they've been captured. He usually gets along with people that he’s around, even if they annoy him greatly. He will not hesitate to take a life. If someone discovers him, he doesn't attempt to hide by denying it, but rather, he openly admits to being discovered in an attemp to bide time in order to find an escape.(It's a little jumbled). [b]Specialized Skills:[/b] I’ll rate his skills on a scale of ten. Deductive reasoning - 8.5/10 (assuming that most people are a 1-2/10) Handgun usage - 7.5/10 Infiltration - 8/10 [b]Point Assignment:[/b] Strength: 2 Dexterity: 3 Intelligence: 7 Fortitude: 3 [b]Additional info:[/b] hidden to non "GM" players.[/hider] [hider=Akihito Osamu][b]Name:[/b] Akihito Osamu [img]http://www.geekosystem.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/grant-imahara-robot.jpg[/img] [b]Age[/b]: 34 [b]Sex[/b]: Male [b]Strengths[/b]: Technology is his game. He builds robots, computers, gadgets and can type furiously. He can build a microphone so small that it can be hid on a person and not found unless upon very close inspection. He's the head of engineering at the Bureau's Supernatural Division. [b]Weaknesses[/b]: He does not fight. He would probably go down after one punch. [b]Brief Biography/Personality[/b]: Osamu was born in Japan were he learn Engineering privately and learned coding in the university. He graduated with a doctorate in Engineering and in Physics. He minored in English so he could move to the United States where he taught robotics and other engineering classes at the university of New York. The Bureau invited him to the engineering department where he quickly rose to the top of. Akihito is quick to learn and quick to use. He's a very straight forward person, after you get past all of the nerdy, not very straight forward, aspects of him. He's very knowledgeable and has good deductive reasoning skills, as such he will occasionally chip in on a case. [b]Specialized Skills[/b]: -Engineering. The Bureau recognized his superior skills to most of their own engineers in the science and engineering department. (9/10) -Deductive Reasoning. While not on the level of Biermann, Akihito is significantly more intelligent than most people with an IQ of 186. The IQ determines problem solving skill and so he is able to take a situation and see a solution, he usually uses this in engineering because seeing multiple solutions is not as usefull when attempting to find a solid lead. [b]Point Assignment[/b]: Strength: 1 Dexterity: 4 Intelligence: 8 Fortitude: 2[/hider] [/hider] [Hider=A SIDE NOTE][b]As a side note:[/b] This RP to was inspired by [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/46257-the-bureau-of-unconventional-crime/ooc]this.[/url][/hider]