[center][IMG]http://i65.tinypic.com/30lds8n.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i67.tinypic.com/tapy7s.png[/IMG][/center] [indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][i]Welcome to Camp Wawanakwa! We tried to make it as camper-friendly as possible, but we weren't able to get rid of the sharks or that pack of Tasmanian Devils in the forest. The island is totally deserted, so if you need medical attention, you're gonna have to wait it out or take a trip on the Loser Boat all the way to the mainland! For now, you're stuck here with your fellow contestants. A couple of seasons ago, I was standing just where you were, but lucky for me, I found some evidence of the former host's tryst with a competitor, which was enough to get him fired and me put in his place! (This way, I'm too far away to communicate with my parole officer, so it's really a win-win for me!) Anyway. I was put through some terrible things while on this show, so I'm here to tell you that it'll be different for you. By "different", I mean worse! Get ready for even more carnage, destruction, and violence here on the next season of [b]Total Drama Island[/b]! I'm your host, Duncan Adams, and I'm here to make sure you're gonna have a bad time. Good luck, suckers. Meet me by the campfire![/i] [h3]Premise[/h3] Total Drama Island is a reality competition show set on one of the most dangerous man-made islands on the world; the winner of this stupidly violent show will receive 100,000 US dollars and the pride that comes with being the most resilient reckless idiot on earth. Though most campers are already aware of the kind of circumstances they're set to face, the new host is even more vicious and self-absorbed than the previous, and there will be a lot of obstacles blocking their grubby hands from reaching the prize money. The contestants will at first be randomly separated into two teams. Every week, they will be put through some sort of grueling challenge, and the team that loses the challenge will put one contestant up for elimination. The ballots are secret, however, so the losing team all has to nervously sit around the campfire and hope that they receive a marshmallow, which symbolizes the continuation of their time on the island. The contestant who does not receive a marshmallow is forced to go on the aptly-named Loser Boat and will no longer be in the running for the money and fame. Eventually, after around half of the contestants are gone, the teams will split and every individual will be out for themselves. The winner of the individual weekly challenge will gain immunity for the next voting round. Voting commences in a large group rather than separate teams and every competitor is picked off, one by one, until the last one standing receives the $100,000 and the chance at worldwide fame and adoration. [h3]Characters[/h3] The beauty of such a show is that every competitor is a caricature of a human being. Yes, in order to succeed in such a competition, contestants must be the biggest and baddest around; I'm looking for stereotypes and stereotypes only, kids (though please keep them PC)! Super smart and physical awkward nerds, buff dumb jocks, and punk-rock rebels abound. This is meant to be a satire, so I'm looking for ridiculous character tropes in order to produce the largest amount of laughs from our make-believe audience. Though well-developed, well-rounded characters are great, I'd like at least their outward appearance/personality to match the "go big or go home" attitude of this show and its host. Characters are probably going to be from 18-30 in age and hopefully of varying ethnicities and cultures! Because this show does have obstacles, I'm also considering giving applicants 20 skill points to spend on 5 skills: charisma, intelligence, strength, constitution, dexterity. Every contest/obstacle will require a certain number of skill points to pass, so I'm going to implement dice rolls in this RP. I'm very much a beginner when it comes to tabletop RPs and dice roll mechanics, so please be patient with me, and don't be afraid to give me a verbal smackdown if I mess up. [h3]OOC[/h3] As the GM, I'm going to play as the host, Duncan Adams, and sometimes when you poor fellas are in the cafeteria, I'll interject a few lines from the incompetent "chef". In case you haven't heard of it, I've stolen this idea from the Total Drama cartoon series (specifically the very first season). For those of you who are curious, Duncan is the pierced, tattooed, juvenile delinquent contestant from that season, and now he's back as a 22 year old sadistic host! Finally, this is an advanced RP, so I am looking for good writing; please make sure that your writing doesn't get as silly as your characters! If you have any questions or ideas, please feel free to shoot them at me. [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent]