[i]"Where is it..."[/i] "Damn it, where am i meant to be going? What am i supposed to do first?" He yelled, to no one in particular. Takuma looked around, dropping his bag to the floor with a loud thud. He hadnt bothered to check any timetables, in his sheer haste to get to whatever he was supposed to do first. In hindsight, that was probably a bad idea. At least he had remembered to put his eyepatch on this time. It was surprising that, despite all the disabilities in this place, that quite a few people could feel ill from seeing the scar tissue that had once been his right eye. [i]"That was an awkward lunchtime..."[/i] Finally, he remembered that he was still late, and picked up his bag, hooking it over his left shoulder. Running foward, he was about to consider talking to someone when a voice called out. [color=ed1c24]"Hey, you there, running in the mismatch socks, can we talk for a minute?" [/color] Mismatched socks? Who was he talking abou... Takuma looked down, and made a small squeak. [i]"Im wearing mismatched socks?! Oh god, i must look a fool..."[/i] he cried inside, and began to realise all the other problems with his clothing as he did so. This had not been a good beginning to the day. He turned around, casually buttoning his shirt in the hope that no one had noticed that either. [color=00aeef]"Hi! Is everything alright?"[/color]