"How does 'doughnuts' make sense? The wording doesn't exactly match what they are." Asa stated with a raised eyebrow. "Sure, the dough part is understandable, but the nut part has no bearing...Dough-rings would make more sense..." he looked to Carter. "I'm not very hungry at the moment, but you get what looks appetizing to you." His smile was small and soft as he started at his friend. "I never understood the excitement you have about colorful foods; in our short time up here, I've experienced that the most appealing foods have the least sustenance..." He continued, glancing around and spotting Rayn dancing on her tiptoes and rolled his eyes slightly, turning back to Carter as though he hadn't seen her. As long as she didn't take off her sunglasses or draw attention to herself, who was he to tell her she couldn't dance. Besides, it seems a lot of the Mundanes enjoy moving in a fanciful way down the pavement, as though the small movements cause more enjoyment in their day. The door bell to the little shop rang as two people stepped out, and Asa looked up. "Asa, Carter," Jeff spoke as he neared the two. "I see neither of you are starting any trouble this morning." Asa scoffed at that. He may be a bit of a hothead, but he definitely wouldn't be the one to start any trouble up on the surface. Crossing his arms, he observed the other Golden Uisilons with keen eyes. It was faded-most likely the work of Maven's healing abilities he'd heard about down in Undaro- and mostly covered by the sunglasses, but there was a significant bruise around Jeff's left eye. "It appears I'm not the the one that needs to stray from starting trouble." He intoned, raising an eyebrow once more and waving his hand over the left side of his own face for emphasis. "What'd you do to get that [i]beauty[/i]?" His tone became sarcastic at the last comment, maybe a little more biting than he intended, but he was worried that Jeff had already been in an altercation with a Mundane. He had specifically warned against this sort of thing because he knew that Mundanes seemed to try and get the Law Enforcers...er...Police...involved at the slightest of things, and he didn't want to have to deal with such things so early into the mission. He looked to Carter quickly before turning back to the other two. He didn't know what Rayn had decided to do after he noticed her dancing stopped, but he decided he had enough to deal with at the moment.