[hider=Sage Marcs] Name: Sage Marcs Age: 24 Gender: Female Appearance: Sage stands 165cm (5’4”) and weighs 65kgs (145lbs). Her average build body is toned with muscle, but not enough to make her bulky. She’s in very good physical shape. She has golden brown locks that fall to her shoulders in silky waves. Her blueish gray eyes, rosy complexion, and full pink lips give her a soft, feminine look that is only marred by a long scar running from the skin right below her left ear to the middle of her neck. Clothing: Sage wears a form fitting black cotton trousers accompanied by a long sleeve gray thermal shirt that also hugs her body. Her snug clothing has been carefully chosen to allow unrestricted movement. She has donned an olive green fleece jacket and thick gray wool cloak with a fur lined hood for her trip through the north. The black cotton gloves she wears are only because she knows she will need them on this journey. Sage hates to have any part of her body restricted, especially her hands. Her attire is brought together by the black, mid-calf, combat-like boots she always wears. Weapons/Belongings: Sage always carries the five throwing knives she hand crafted to perfection. They are made of a strong steel and reach 6 inches in length. Sharp on both sides the skinny spade shaped blades blend into a thin grip with an open ring on the end that makes the daggers perfectly balanced. She keeps three of these belted to her hip and one in each boot. She has a small pouch with the few coins she has tied around her neck. Sage also carries a satchel that holds the few things she can actually call hers. This includes a whetstone for her knives, journal and pen for logging her adventures, a few letters she has held onto since childhood, and a first aid kit because she always seems to need one. Magic: none Personality: Sage mostly keeps to herself. She has gotten used to being alone and prefers it that way. Sage does not easily enter a friendship as she has trouble trusting anyone. She is not mean though just standoffish. She can be “charming and sweet” though, if it helps her out in the situation. Sage tries to be civil but her snarky attitude is easily coaxed out. Her spitfire tendencies do not often keep her in the good graces of people she meets, so it’s best for her to stay away from others. However, on the off chance Sage were to trust a person completely she is very caring and loyal. She does not believe in leaving a friend behind. Short History: Sage Marcs was orphaned at the age of 12, thanks to a man her parents called a friend. Sage was in her tiny room when the man attacked. She stayed quiet until she knew that if she stayed any longer she too would be dead. So she ran from her room, startling the man who struck out with his knife, leaving the gash that would become a hideous reminder of that day. Luckily surprise was on her side and she was able to make it out of the house without any further harm. Her parents suffered a very different fate. She didn’t know her next of kin and was thus left on her own. Sage learned very quickly how to take care of herself, growing tough physically and mentally. Working her way across the continents she settled in southern Gris at the age of 19. There she was taken in by a blacksmith that taught her the trade. She spent the next 5 years working in secrecy at his shop, crafting beautiful weapons of all shapes and sizes. She also spent this time practicing her combat skills and became very good at close quarter encounters. Even though Sage likes to travel she will always return home to the father-like figure who gave her life meaning again. [/hider]