"Oh, it is...nice. Quite nice. They are the family I never had. It has wealth, power, agreeable friends, and beautiful, um, 'companions.' I would do anything to protect them. It is the best clan in Tamriel, if I do say so myself. Our leader has kept us strong for decades." Colors explained. Meesei gave him a curious look upon his last statement, though did not say anything aloud for the moment. Shortly afterwards, the group reached the point where they had to branch off of the road and straight into the forest itself. Ra'maranja led the way, using his shortblade to hack through thicker areas of brush. He quickly outpaced Meesei's packs at first, but he slowed down once he realized that he was leading a group which was not as experienced in navigating the jungle. Peiter looked to be absolutely miserable in the heat, and having go through all of the effort to trudge their way through the brush was certainly not helping. Chorrol, where he was born, was temperate at best, and Bruma, even in the summer months, was almost always cold. As such, he was among the least prepared in the group for the heat. Nevertheless, he tried to distract himself by joining in on the conversation. "You said you went to the market? Me and a few of the others did as well. We didn't see you, or we would have helped. Sabine has been learning restoration, do you think you would want to look at him?" He asked, turning his head to Sabine for confirmation. Colors shook his head. "Oh, no, that won't be necessary. The cut wasn't that bad, and it would just slow us down."