[@Natsu], I understand your thought process some, but we cant let people run around giving people powers. It's just... not going to fly. Solely for the fact that it's altering people's characters as a whole. This whole power is plot changing in general, and it's something Allen's not even comfortable letting ME run. And I've known him for about six years now. I also really wonder why he knows so many forms of sword art, or has any idea how to [i]make[/i] a sword. I hope you understand that knowing how to use a sword in general, especially in a world like this one where all it takes is one fireball... It just... isn't going to go well for your character. There's a reason why the weapon became obsolete in World War One. So if you really want that, by all means. But I'd think there are much more relevant things a person can do with their time. Things that dont involve a weapon that would be confiscated from the character's possession as soon as they were introduced.