Sabine stopped and let her spell fade. She looked to the woman ahead of them while she spoke and figured there probably wasn't much of any helpful healing to do if that was the case. As for Colours' compliment, Sabine wasn't quite sure how to take it. She dubiously glanced to Peiter, then back to Colours. "Your welcome," she said finally and unsurely, more as an automatic response than anything else. Now she knew how Meesei had felt. "Don't tease the girl, Colours," Janius said after a chuckle, "She's young and impressionable." "I am an adult," Sabine said to Janius, somewhat annoyed. Janius looked back to her and immediately contradicted his own advice, "Oh? So you are interested, are you?" Sabine went red with anger and embarrassment. There was no hesitation in her response, "No!" With nothing else but a laugh, Janius continued onwards. It wasn't often that he got the opportunity to get Sabine back for the pranks she had pulled on him. Sabine just fell back to where she had been previously in the group, looking rather glum. "So, how many are in the clan, approximately?" Janius asked, continuing where they had left off.