Colors scratched his head. "I...can't say, really. It has certainly grown in the past few years. It really felt like a town, or even a city. Hundreds, at least." He answered. He had entirely ignored Janius' comment about teasing Sabine, though with this Argonian, it was difficult to tell if he was teasing, or was actually serious. --- The walk took a few hours, and by the attitudes of some of Ra'maranja's group, that was longer than usual. The jungle was new terrain for most of them, and even their experience in Black Marsh did not translate over entirely to this new location. Nevertheless, they did finally reach their destination with several hours of daylight remaining; although, even once they had stopped, Meesei's packs were still not certain they had arrived at all. Ra'maranja had halted in a section of the jungle that looked no different from any other. There did not seem to be any buildings or structures, no caves or anything else that might be considered shelter. "We have arrived. Ra'maranja will send one of his own to speak with the clan leader. It is further on into the Tenmar forest. Considering how long it took us to get here, you may need to stay here for the night." Ra'maranja explained. Ahnasha looked around, confused. "That's fine and everything, but...where's the supply outpost?" Ra'maranja grinned, then lifted his hand to point straight up. The leaves of the trees mostly obscured it, but if they looked closely, they could see what were essentially houses built around the trees above them. The structures were close to the top of the tall trees, but there were ramps and bridges, both to connect the trees, and to lead down closer to the ground. Ra'maranja walked over to one of the trees and grabbed a vine-like rope leading up to one of the lower walkways. "Khajiit hopes you can climb." Ahnasha furrowed her brow. "We can, but what about Leaps?" She asked, motioning to the wamasu. Ra'maranja chuckled. "Not to worry. There is a platform up in the walkways attached to pulleys. A lift. We use it to hoist the supplies up to the houses; it should hold the creature's weight. It can hold people too, if you don't want to climb with your children." Peiter craned his neck back to look up at the houses high above them before nudging Sabine beside. "Those are, um, high, aren't they? At one will be able to surprise us...I guess. Well, since we're going to be here for a while, maybe we could go ahead and do that training?" He suggested.