Long, slender, legs carried Galant through the snow. Unlike many travelers, he had no problem navigating the frigid land and it's hidden dangers. He had grown up here after all, the snow was as normal to him as breathing was. His clothing was made to perfectly suit the weather, and the only thing that felt it's bite even a little was his pale face. The young mage hummed lightly to himself as he made the journey to Vulture's Roost. Every few months for the past two years he had been coming to Vulture's Roost to visit the libraries. At first he had trouble getting in, but now the people almost eagerly awaited his arrival. He shared stories and knowledge with them that they wouldn't get from staying in their walls. But this time, he wasn't here for the knowledge that Vulture's Roost had to offer. He was here for knowledge much further north. Knowledge on a subject that he kept hidden to himself, but studied the most out of all of them. Magic. Galant had discovered at a young age that he was an Elemental Mage, and been training himself in it ever since. He desired, thirsted for more on the subject. And there was no place better than going north to get it. Perhaps he would even learns the ways of a new element while he was there. After the trek it had been to get here, seeing the gates were a big relief. Galant noticed that there were a few people standing on this side of the gate. Perhaps they were having trouble getting in? For the moment, Galant paid them no mind, save for the friendly smile he gave them, and walked up to the gate. "Back for more, eh scholar?" The guard said, recognizing Galant instantly. Not many travelers stayed in Vulture's Roost for weeks at a time doing nothing but reading. And practicing magic in the shadows. The mage just smiled. "Not this time, my business lies further north. More knowledge to seek and all that." He explained. The guard frowned, "Sorry, but you're going to have to wait here with the rest of them. The Lord's orders." The smile nearly slipped from Galant's face, but lots of training and control kept it up. "It's quite alright, I understand, politics are politics." With that Galant stepped away from the gate and closer to the small group of people. "Guess we're all stuck here." He said as he reached into his pack, to retrieve a book. Before he started reading through, one of the people caught his attention, a boy. Why was a child going to the north? It was far too dangerous for him. What a waste of life it would be. The poor thing looked cold to, obviously not used to the weather yet. Not everyone was as lucky as he was. But he couldn't do anything about it. So instead of worrying, Galant opened up his book and began to read, mostly tuning out the world around him as he took in the knowledge the book had to offer.