Someone approached Aedan as someones do but this someone one was different. Maybe it was the way he had gracefully fallen from his window in a manner that made Aedan feel like a potato in a cape or a humanoid with the bones of really dry and breakable twigs. As the young man walked towards him like a predator walks towards something it doesn't necessarily intend to eat immediately but wants to keep it's options open about, Aedan's heart began to flutter. [i]Is this love?[/i] He thought to himself. [i]No dude, your first reaction is fear remember? Then comes terror, then acceptance, nervousness, and finally, something-that-may-resemble-affection-but-could-also-simply-be-the-lack-of-sweaty-palms.[/i] That thought made him sigh wearily. Being a wuss was difficult. "You new here?" The man asked in a way that made some part of Aedan want to reach out and hug the beautiful bastard and another run in fear and another gibber in terror. These parts fought for a moment before he could reply. "Gubbklilg Heeee." Obviously the terror gibber won that round but Aedan wasn't done just yet. He rallied his thoughts expertly and prepared to speak once more and as he opened his mouth to triumphantly let out the most awe inspiring introduction of all time that would have made many a pair of pants begin to tighten someone interrupted him. As someones do. [@Avanhelsing] If Aedan had been someone else, someone very, very different he may have mentioned something or done something but as it was he merely deflated like a cheap balloon from a crappy restaurant and sagged against the nearby wall as the new arrival spoke to the other man making Aeden think that all this mental usage of pronouns was becoming horribly confusing and it was high time to learn some names. Luckily New Arrival (as he was now known) helpfully mentioned Other Dude's name meaning that he could now be referred to as Thomas. Thomas, the name set something stirring in the back of Aedan's mind but he ignored it because it was from a time long since past and continually bringing it up was starting to get old. Queue dry laughter as people get the pun. "I'm Aedan!" Aedan wondered where that voice came from, why it belonged to someone with the same name, and why it sounded as though it belonged to someone who had either been kicked in the nuts or was an eight year old girl. Or both. [i]It was you, dumbass.[/i] It was a probably a bad sign when your own internal rambling began to sound exasperated. "Sorry, yeah that's uh... me?" [i]Why was that a question?[/i] He thought. [i]No shut up I got this.[/i] Thought he back snappishly. "I'm new but I guess you two aren't. I'm Aedan by the way." He held out a hand with a smile that seemed slightly more sick than friendly but he was going to be damned if he was going to hell or something else surprisingly literal. "I'm like super good at making fire uh burn. Yeah, If you want some fire to burn you just let me know. I'm the best at it." [i]Just shut up and let someone else talk. Please.[/i] All of Aedan's parts heartily agreed with that statement and he resolved to shut up for at least a few seconds.