Name: Dani Hatashi Age: 19 Gender: Female Appearance:Normally at a height of five foot seven, she isn't the shortest girl around, but her height is usually diminished by the wheelchair she goes around in. Most of the times, she'll wear a white t-shirt with a clothy vest over it and a pair of black pants. She wears boots on her feet and doesn't mind the warmth given to her upper body b the jacket. Her hair is about midway down her back and whitish grey, usually opting to go the route of least maintenance and just brushes her hair. Due to a side effect of the experiments in the lab, her eyes are a dark and deep pink, almost red. Around her neck is a beautiful collar/pendant, with a red gem in the middle of it. In her appearance, she's lacking the helmet she used to carry around, something that would be noticeable to her older opponents and friends. [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [hider=Necklace] [img][/img] [/hider] [/hider] Nationality: Japanese Backstory: Dani is what many would label a genius. IQ of 175 and surprisingly lazy. She was a normal kid outside of being bored in classes, being brought up in the us for most of her child hood, learning to speak Japanese through her mother. In school, she rather stubbornly refused to be put into advanced classes, much to the annoyance of her parents and teachers. She didn't have much of an interest of gunpla during most of her early life and was even depressed, content to glide through school at a leisurely pace but had nothing to attract her attention. the unfortunate part of her story happens when she was eight. Out with her father, they got into a car accident, paralyzing her legs and leaving her unable to walk. The same accident caused her to lose her father as well. This left her and her mother unable to function and survive, causing them to move back to japan to live with her mother's family inside of year. Getting adjusted to society in japan was a real culture shock for her. Her mother had some traditions she had brought with her, but the new world she lived in was flashy and bright. She was missing out on the world due to her disability and was slipping further into depression despite the new experiences, but found something called gunpla when she was eleven. She had heard the name tossed about a little, but was absolutely astonished when she saw her first fight. People were controlling mobile suits. She hadn't had a way to express herself in the realworld fully in a long time in such freedom Diving into the world of model building, she found herself having a vent for the three years and counting of no walking. Building units with legs, she found herself cruelly being made fun of and could hear the snickering of those who saw her fighting. Her leg work was a bit clumsy and that didn't earn her any respect. So she went ahead and abandoned the legs on her gundams, choosing a tank basis for her new gunpla, which she was getting excellent at building due to so much free time and a great mind to devote to new ideas. Eventually, she built herself the "Block" Rx-75. the tanked gunpla was a fortress of armor and firepower. The new gunpla she had created silenced those who taunted her; in the gunpla amateur scene, she became a force to be reckoned with. Over the next few years, she began developing her gunpla, advancing it and once finding it well enough, she began working on something in secret, using her knowledge and her own tinkering with the systems of her gp base before her helmet began to appear on her wheelchair. With continued success, she got an invitation to join the gunpla summer training camp, their detection of her modified gp base causing intrigue among them. During this time, she displayed an intelligence level and engineering skills to develop a system that allowed her to "dive into her gunpla" and control it as she would her own body. With an induction into the labs at 15, only a little older than the Time Nils was rediscovering the plavasky particle, she made a great addition to staff. Her goal was not expanding the quality of the particles, but of the more practical usage of them. Particularly, those with disabilities. With nobles goals and the support of Nilson Labs, she worked in secret with them, in development, re-emerging a few years later and climbing her way into the world cup easily. With the labs backing her and rumors floating around Nielson Laboratories was debuting something unseen before at the world cup, she was rather abuzz with the crowd. Other information: Is in possession of a Dive system to allow her to control her gunpla with her mind as if they were an extension of her body. Has also trained directly under Nils to improve her fighting abilities and has been taught the way of the plavasky particles by him. This includes use of them in gunpla and techniques relating to them. She has her own personal suits, but at the moment is using one she created with the care and help of Nilson labs. this is not the only one she'll be using in the tourney. Gundam Info Gunpla: Name: Grimoire G Hunter Based from: Grimoire Appearance: [img][/img] Armaments: High power Beam Rifle: Long range beam rifle capable of peircing solid shields with ease. ~Beam Saber x 4 Beam sabers are standard equipment on all most MS. The beam sabers use Minovsky particles held in place by an I-Field to form an effective cutting surface that can slice through nearly any material. 1x Heat-tana: Heat katana created by dani and is coated with a special plavasky particle coating, allowing it to peirce and penetrate the particles with relative ease. Other Info Gunpla: 1x combat knife standard issue combat knife for the grimoires, versatile and capable of penetrating armor at close quarters. G Hunter form: A form with characteristics increased by removing the limiters dani has put on the suit. Across the board stats increase.