You know what grinds my gears? Classist generalizations that condescend and belittle. There are two completely asinine things said like fact in this thread: 1 - High School Role-plays take no talent or skill, nor do they have depth. 2 - Only youths and young adults do these role-plays. It’s such arrogant crap that it makes me furious. Slice-of-Life no matter if it’s realistic or fantastical is a popular genre of all ages. I won’t deny that many of these RPs are not my cup of tea (or to my preferred quality level) but to assume and come off like you are better is really deplorable. Plenty of dramatic cinema, television, and literature are what we call slice-of-life stuff and that doesn’t detract from their quality when they are good. The biggest legitimate complaint I can see is the subjective feeling of boredom and I get that but it is the GM (and the players) responsibility to entertain themselves and keep interest flowing. I’ve seen RPs on the guild with several flavorings added to the typical school life scenario and not just fantasy but psychological horror and mystery; these RPs get swept under the rug for your run of the mill standard yeah, but is it right to call it all generic trash with no talent and only made by youths? Is that where we are? Also, I give props for those who run casual and advanced level games within the genre. We need more of you, keep it up. [quote=@Undine] Heck, even writing out a normal day is difficult because it can be so repetitive. It takes a lot of brain work to come up with a post that isn't completely bland and boring. Especially my roleplay, because it didn't have any sort of supernatural powers or magic.[/quote] That's the kind of slice of life/school life RP I've always wanted on guild but I gave up when they were impossible to find. I'd kill for something like that.