CS Format Name: Sam Murdoch Hero/Villain name: Silver Age: 19 Race: Human Appearance: [Url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/359/4/9/roherik_by_las_t-d5p5v5e.png]Sam[/Url] Powers: Sam is a speedster. You have 3 guesses on what that title entails. Skills: He is okay at hand to hand combat but has no extensive training, more like the occasional boxing that he took as a kid. He makes up for his lack of skill by being incredibly fast instead and naturally quick thinking. He is an excellent mechanic though. Weapons: He doesn't use anything as a weapon but he often wears a utility belt with his suit where he holds tools such as a screwdriver or a length of cable as well as cuffs. Most often though he just carries a utility knife which he could do extensive damage to things. Gear:[Url=http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2011/127/d/5/motor_guard_by_suburbbum-d3fu0xx.png]Suit[/Url] Info: Sam is a pretty good guy. He doesn't really like violence but he'll do what is necessary. He never liked bullies either which made becoming a superhero quite easy for him. He practically jumped at the chance to become one when the opportunity came to pass. Sam is the son of a Cybernetic engineer dad and biology scientist mother. They lived a good life until a freak accident happened at his mother's lab. At the age of 12, Sam was at his mother's lab when a lightning storm hit the lab and right into a shelf of dangerous chemicals. Sam was just a foot away from the shelf and was not only hit by the lightning but also splashed by the various chemicals. He was in a coma with severe burns everywhere for nearly 3 years but his recovery was miraculous. About 5 months after he seemed fully recovered when his wounds were concerned, he woke up from the coma. During the time he was fitted with a brain implant which would feed him knowledge, basic school teaching. This was experimental at the time but comatose individuals were receptive to the feed while fully conscious people were not. He got all the schooling that he required and later took on mechanic engineering when he woke up. As the months went on, he discovered he had quicker reflexes, could think faster and react, didn't tire as often as much and later on found out he could run and exceptional speeds. He took this to an empty landscape and he broke the sound barrier faster than any military jet could. Also broke the windows of nearby farm houses. Instead of keeping this a secret from his parents he told them everything and they all agreed that they should keep this a secret while his mother took blood samples to study. With the help of his father he fashioned a suit for himself made from a modified helmet with leg and arm guards which could withstand the high speeds he showed. Under the helmet he started to wear a mas that would cover his hair and eyes while leaving half of his face exposed. Other: CS Format Name: Trev Cravos Hero/Villain name: Mindjack Age: 21 Race: Human Appearance: [Url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/362/1/a/lorca_by_las_t-d6ztf7y.jpg]Trev[/Url] Powers: Trev is an extraordinarily adapt telekinetic and telepath. He can read minds from a long distance but only unguarded ones. Through touch or very close proximity he can delve deeper into a person's mind. His telekinetic powers can levitate several tons. This power is restricted to line of sight. Skills: When it comes to using his TK powers, Trev is a powers house and not very refined. He has to concentrate deeply if he wants to do something subtly and usually can just focus on a single thing. His telepathic powers are more refined as he can establish links between people so they may communicate with their minds. His mundane skills is that of considerable hacking and acting. He has the acting ability that would put A-list actors to shame and can hack through advanced computer locks, even military grade ones. He is very agile and is very fit and even has some skill in cosmetics. Ventriloquist and a bit of a psychologist Weapons: He requires no weapons other than his powers and skills other than what is around him. He has however used tranq darts before and used his TK abilities to launch them very accurately at his enemies. Gear: [url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/174/a/f/___sf_wyv_05____by_wyv1-d6a5zul.jpg]Suit[/url], Personal holo computer, computer cables and various data storage devices. Personality: Cravos is intelligent and calculating. He is not one to take on someone he thinks he is not able to beat. He is not one for fair fighting either. A fair fight means something went terribly wrong. Background: Cravos was a troubled kid during his adolescence. He was bullied by his classmates due to him being weak and “nerdy”. He stayed away from most people during his childhood because of this, barely having any friends until he was around 9 years old where he met up with kids similar to him and hung out. He was still rather distant though he warmed up to people considerably. Then puberty hit him and it was very kind to him. He was rather weakly looking b before puberty ad then after he became more handsome and he took up more physical activities such as sports and running and swimming. During puberty his powers also began to unfold. He felt his brain become more active as he could memorize things much more easily and then sort of predict what people would say. What he discovered was that he was actually unconsciously reading people’s minds as he was talking to them. He also found out he could move things physically without even touching them. In secret he trained these abilities, moving heavier and heavier things with his mind without his nose starting to bleed and delve deeper into people’s heads. Reading people’s minds or communicating with them in such a way really differed as he discovered. Some people were harder to read than others until he trained more and he got less and less migraines. He took these abilities to the street then, first trying out as a street performer and juggled things while actually using telekinesis and doing cardtricks while he actually read people’s mind (even though he actually practiced sleight of hands before doing this). He did more sports and such activities, forming his body to suit his other agenda, Crime fighting. During one of his escepades as a crime-fighter known as Mindjack, he chased a trio of thieves who had robbed a rich man's manor. One of the loot that they had grabbed was an Edo period jewel which was a host for an old spirit. When Cravos apprehended the thieves and made sure all the loot was in place, he made skin contact with the amulet and the spirit took it's chance and inhabited the body of the powerful individual. Now, the spirit and Cravos share bodies though Cravos is mostly in charge. But for how long? [Hider=Other][b]Spirit[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Daigotsu [b]Powers:[/b] Spirit Weaponry conjuration, Magical Armor, Weapon Mastery, Stealth, Various Martial arts. [b]Appearance:[/b] Before Spirit-fied: [img=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/138/a/d/finished_by_jasson78.jpg] Spirit:[img=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/357/d/3/yogo_kono_by_diegogisbertllorens-d5ovpu2.jpg] (Other variation of this). [b]History Synopsis and Description:[/b] Little is known about this spirit but by his account he used to be mortal during the Edo period of japan. He was a strong and capable fighter, learned in not only the ways of the samurai but the shinobi as well. He was ruthless and cunning until he angered a sorceress who ripped his being from his mortal form and cast him into an amulet where he could watch the time go by. AS the years went by and the sorceress dead, the amulet slowly lost it's potency and when the time arrived when a suitable host was found, he could take the body and live again. When Daigotsu takes over, it differs according to the situation. He may come out in full armor armed with a naginata or katana to slay his enemies or in slim shinobi attire as to keep himself undetected. He cannot change arsenal when he is in charge. What he brings, he keeps until next time. The relationship Cravos and Dai have has become nearly simbiotic when Cravos is concerned. Dai's claws have digged so deep into his being that if he were to be forcibly removed, Cravos's psyche would be permenantly damaged beyond repair. [b]Cravos's and Dai's powers do not work with each other. Cravos cannot use Dai's skills and Dai cannot use Cravos's telekinetic or telepathic powers The more Daigotsu is in control, the deeper his hold is to Cravos's body and if he were to take completely over he could do whatever he wanted again without Cravos there to keep him in line. He will try to take over the nations and start his own Shogun Empire with him as the immortal ruler.[/b][/Hider] CS Format Name: Elin Grimsdottir Hero/Villain name: Druid Age: 18 Race: Human, possibly something more Appearance: [Url=http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/310/1/9/sketch_by_madspartan013-d5k8a2z.jpg]Druid[/Url] [Url=http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/215/8/6/battlecraft___heart_of_the_wood_by_engkit-d6gk7hf.jpg]Superhero form[/Url] Powers: Elin can control plants and communicate with animals, heal allies and alter her skin and form into that of an animal such as a large panther, large eagle and form gills and fins to dive under water and handle pressure. Skills: She is an excellent herbalist and biologist, cook and flourist. She is an okay driver and can play the piano. Weapons: Plants, animals and concentrated Earth Constructs. (rarely ever used due to impracticality). SHe has yet to discover the whole of her powers. Gear: Clothing. Personality: Elin is kind and loathes violence beyond anything. She has never even thrown a punch in her life. In fact she hasn't hurt anything in her life intentionally. Background: Elín was born in Iceland though she was raised in the west. Her step-father was kind to her and supported her and her mother until he sadly passed away in a car accident caused by escaping criminals. She lived with her mother after that though she often visited their neighbor, a kindly old woman who owned a greenhouse. The kind woman taught her various things on how to tend a garden from flowers to veggies and fruit. When she was thirteen, she was hanging out with the old woman in the greenhouse and they had forgotten the time and she was with her until the evening. Said evening, runaway criminals were speeding through the street the greenhouse was at. The criminals were throwing molotovs at the cops while speeding and as the driver turned, the criminal who was throwing the bottles threw the projectile at the greenhouse, setting it ablaze. Elin was burned badly and the old woman sadly died. It was when she just turned 15 did her powers manifest. She discovered she could manipulate and “control” plants and even start communicating with animals. She could even turn into animals and her powers are yet to grow even more. Other: