Isabeau shuffled quietly in the darkness as they neared the rest of the group near the sleeping dragon. The others seemed to have a plan to get the artifact, so she wasn't necessarily needed for that. But there was certainly evil afoot. Her gaze was fixed on the ground in front of her, her slowly moved to grab the axe on her back. There was movement in the cave, but she couldn't tell where from. The lose pebbles on the ground started to move, shaking wildly as whatever it was made its way closer to them. She did it! Regina grabbed the artifact and slipped it in her backpack. Izzy inched closer to the group. [color=darkcyan]"You got that stone yet? I'd say we better get a move on quickly ... that dragon may not seem so dangerous, but I can guarantee you that something else is on it's way here right now.[/color], she was anxious, her gaze darted around the area. Just as Regina's toes met solid ground, a gust of wind blew past the group, extinguishing any light that had brightened their way. They could hear the slithering of the 'sleeping dragon' on her bed of coin as she moved away from the group. And suddenly, a large roar echoed through the room. The ground shook, the group could barely see anything around them save the glinting gold that littered the floor. "Who dares steal from me?!" a deep voice demanded