[CENTER][hr][b][i]Nightstar[/i][/b][hr][/center] As Freddie brought his disdain for Miss Brown's teaching choices to everyone's attention, Mari could only roll her eyes as a groan escaped her lips. She loved Freddie, she truly did but he was rather self centered at times and this was definitely one of those times. Ever since Mari had met Freddie she had listened to him prattle on about how he was a 'leading man' and a 'sure-in for the roll of MacBeth.' While she could understand his confusion as to why Miss Brown had opted to go with a movie adapted into the style of Shakespeare it wasn't his place to question the teacher whether he was British or not. Questioning of authority figures was clearly Mari's schtick and now Freddie had made that all about him as well. "So, prithee, go with me." Came Freddie's voice as Mari noticed he staring directly towards her, motioning as though she was supposed to follow after him like some spineless worm without an independent thought of her own. A crinkle of disgust marred her normally attractive face as she began to shake her head. "Don't tell me you gonna let him drag you away?" Tanya's question came with its own tone of disgust as she looked towards Freddie and back to Mari who had to stifle a loud laugh. "Oh hell no." Came Mari's reply as Miss Brown shot her an exasperated look. "I know, I know, watch my [i]fuckin'[/i] language." Miss Brown had to fight back a smirk at Mari's quick reply as she turned back to her desk. Sitting down, Miss Brown opened up her tablet, making note of Freddie's outburst and sending the memo to his residential adviser. With Freddie gone, the group was down to three. At least it would have been if it wasn't for the untimely arrival of Richard who promptly sat down with the group. "Yeah sure," Mari muttered as Casey piped up. "Act 1 sounds good to me Greenie." She added with a small smile. Looking around she noticed that Amethyst and Rick had also joined the class but there must have been something between those two and Richard given the distance they were keeping from each other. Mari could only shake her head but offered a small wave to the other two anyways. As Greenie started to read, Mari found herself staring at the clock on the wall. She was supposed to enjoy this but Freddie's outburst had kind of ruined it for her. He was supposed to be here laughing with her but instead he had to go and ruin her entire mood. The sound of a ringing bell brought Mari's attention back to reality as she packed her things up before double checking her schedule. [I]A.R.C. Session - John Stewart[/I] A groan escaped her lips. She was still far too hungover to play make believe as 'heroes'. None of the less she didn't fancy a lesson from the Boy Wonder himself so with heavy feet, Mari began to shuffle towards the A.R.C.