"...I'll be heading to Slytherin, just like the rest of my family..." Isaak said [@Weird Tales] Brynn tried for a moment to recall about Slytherin, it had certainly come up a lot in one of the books, though the Slytherin founder, nor any of his successors, had really seem all that nice. The other three houses seem as though they were the more stable of the four founders. She Especially like Huffelpuff, hardworking and kind, they certainly seemed like they'd have been the greatest house yet Huffelpuffs were hardly mentioned at all. Perhaps that was just a twisted perspective or a mistake by the author. [color=fff79a]"Not to be rude, but I don't really think we'll be in the same house, that is if you end up in Slytherin...I think I'd like to be in Huffelpuff. Ravenclaw sounded nice um, Griffindor sounded okay too. Really I don't think I'll care which house i get...except maybe Slytherin."[/color] She paused for a moment as though she were finished talking, and just as suddenly continued on realizing that what she had said so far might sound rude without more of an explanation. [color=fff79a]"But! The..the hat or something like that picks. Anyway, it's anonymously chosen what house you get, so i'm not saying Slytherin is bad or anything!" [/color] She rambled on, trying not to offend him, finally deciding to switch topics. [color=fff79a]"But uhm, what about your family. You said they're pure-blood so does that mean you live with all kinds of magic around you all the time?"[/color] [@SouffleGirl123]