[center][h1][color=00aeef]Seichi Hino[/color][/h1][/center] [b] "We're going to put you guys through one more test. Just one, simple test. I expect to see all of you Training Ground 94 at 12 PM tomorrow on the dot. Is that okay with you all?" [/b] [color=00aeef]"Yeah!"[/color] Seichi would shout in reply to his Sensei. [b]"Also, if any of you are late, for whatever reason at all...The squad is gonna be failed on the spot, whether you guys like it or not!"[/b] The quick utter of the word failed sent a slight chill down Seichi's back. He had plenty of faith that his squad would be able to easily complete a task like arriving on time, especially Reiji. But the thought of failing still always sat at the back of his mind, even throughout his early academy days. It was the main reason he tried to always hide it with his overly-confident personality. [color=00aeef]Pretty harsh rules, don't cha think?...But I guess it makes sense. We're meant to held up on pretty high expectations.[/color] [color=00aeef]"No sweat, Sensei!"[/color] Seichi would say trying to match his grin with hers, [color=00aeef]"We'll be there before you know it!"[/color] [b]"I'll see you soon, Seichi. Don't be late. Always together, right?"[/b] [color=00aeef]"Always together."[/color] Seichi would reply confirming Toko's statement, by carefully, but playfully, ruffling up his friend's hair. [hr] As Seichi would approach his house, he would see his dad doing push-ups as his crutches laid next to him on the ground. Ever since his dad's injury, which made him have to stop doing shinobi work, hes been training even more than he normally does. [b] "So...What Team?"[/b] Seichi's dad husked. [color=00aeef] "Well we're not really a regular team."[/color] Seichi would reply getting on his dad's back knowing his weight wouldn't affect his dad's push-ups, [color=00aeef]"we're on this special squad that was chosen by the Hokage. Apparently it has something to do with this organization or something." [/color] His dad would hesitate on his push-ups stopping for a moment then continuing with his normal rhythm. [b]"Haha! Special squad, huh? Only a Hino!"[/b] [b]"Do these push-ups with me, we can get some training in for the time being."[/b] Seichi would roll off of his dad's back remembering the orders he was given. [color=00aeef]"Sorry, dad. Sensei told us to go the training grounds for our test."[/color] [b] "Oh, yeah...right...right"[/b] Seichi would then bolt inside grabbing a few extra supplies and his Tantos which he strapped on his back then move quickly towards his door. [b] "Back already, Sweetie. How'd it go?"[/b] His mom would say walking around a corner. She'd lick her fingers and try and smoothen out his hair which we would shake off moving past her. [color=00aeef]"It was good. Gotta go. Bye Love you."[/color] He'd quickly say running towards the training grounds. [hr] Seichi would arrive at the training grounds as others did aswell. [b] "So, the test is gonna go like this. There are five pieces of paper hidden in the forest just to our left here. I've also planted about a hundred explosive tags all over the place, so expect to hear a shit tonne of screams and explosions. All you kids have to do is find those pieces of paper and put them together. Seems easy enough, right?" [/b] [color=00aeef][i]Sounds like a treasure hunt...Yeah its pretty easy.[/i][/color] [color=00aeef][i]Wait, Wait! Explosives[/i][/color] [b]"However, you're only going to have an hour to find these pieces of paper, and put them together. It may seem like a long time to you lot, but time is everything in this test. Use it wisely. Oh yeah, and one more thing...If you don't manage to beat the time limit, then all of your are sent back to the Academy. Got that?"[/b] The chill sped through Seichi's spine once more. He then felt a soft wind as Toko dropped from the trees, as expected. [b]"Okay. Let us begin."[/b] [color=00aeef]"You know it!"[/color] Seichi would exclaim turning towards the group. [color=00aeef]"For starters, I think it would be effective if we split up."[/color] He would turn towards the forest, scanning its thickness. [color=00aeef]"We'd probably be able to cover more ground."[/color] Unless their Sensei was a master of hiding paper, finding the slips shouldn't be a problem he assumed.